AtS and Star Wars mini ficlets plus meme

Dec 08, 2005 21:32

I had a completely draining day involving a lot of mail. But my good twin artaxastra asked for drabbles, and lo, two came forth. (Well, very short ficlets slightly over 100 words, to be precise.) They start with sentences of hers, for she has reactivated the first line meme, which we did last year.

No spoilers beyond the third season of...

She wasn’t one of those kids who suddenly go crazy one day and start killing people, or who wakes up one morning with fur or pointed teeth. Justine had always been the one with common sense and moderation; it was her twin, Julia, who was the wild one. Everything changed when Julia got drained and discarded by a creature who wasn’t supposed to exist.

The woman Justine became breathed in the ashes of undead creatures. She drank to dull the pain. She remained sitting, her hand nailed on a table, with nothing but revenge as the promise for her patience. She slit the throat of a man who wanted to help her and spent the next hour calming and soothing the baby she took from him.

The only thing which felt unnatural to her at this point was caring for the baby.


And as this is my day for secondary characters who don't get much fanfic love, how about someone in the GFFA?

The others remember those days as golden, the last lovely days before the Clone Wars, endowed in memory with an innocence they never really possessed. To Jocasta Nu, though, they are crimson with pain, and the war with all its horror a blessed relief.

Nobody suspects this. She is the librarian, old, sharp-tongued, and detached as a Jedi should be. But Jocasta has loved Yan Dooku since the days of their youth. She had hoped to take this secret to her death. The day he left the order, however, he had come to her, had visited the library with not even a pretense of a sensible reason.

Jocasta is no fool. She realized that Dooku must have altered the records, must have erased Kamino, realized this even while telling Obi-Wan Kenobi that such a planet could not exist. And still, she hoped that Dooku would turn out to be innocent, or at least noble in his intentions, as if this would make her less of a fool.

The day on Geonosis, the day Dooku was revealed as a Sith to the world, that day has put an end to her torment. Now she knows. She records death on a daily basis in her library, and feels nothing but detached sorrow, as a Jedi should. She is at peace.

But that day Dooku had come to the library for the last time, that day she had kissed him with the passion denied for sixty years, she had been alive.

And now, since I'm now completely out of energy and need to be resupplied by other people writing stuff, I'm doing the meme as well:

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write a drabble with the same first line as one of my stories, and leave it in my comments here. Any fandom, any pairing or gen, and you can interpret "drabble" as loosely as you want.

Some lines of my stories written since artaxastra and self last did this meme:

Standing on a boat on a windy day in March, you feel the cold creeping up your fingers.

Adjusting to the new life in the Roanoke Colony was not easy for any of the new arrivals, but Petros and Wanda were more lost than most.

Later, G’Kar never was quite sure what came first: deciding that Londo Mollari was the most irritating man alive, or deciding to seduce his wife.

She liked secrets.

Now that he has no fingers made of flesh left and what remains of his skin will never feel anything but the metal of medical droids and the suit they keep him in, he seems to remember every single thing he ever touched.

Last night I got the news that my grandfather had died.

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that the last thing a ship on a covert mission needs is an unannounced visitor.

drabble, angel, meme, fanfic, star wars

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