...and links!

Dec 08, 2005 00:16

A postscript to my Connor essay, in the form of recs and links for interested parties.


On the Education of a Young Man by yahtzee63 has to be one of the earliest stories written about Connor. With only three episodes of background to draw on for teenage Connor, written and set between seasons 3 and 4, it was by necessity jossed in some points (i.e. Connor not being with Justine, for example), but still upholds very well. Excellent take on what Connor's childhood with Holtz must have been like.

Them Bones basically founded my favourite little subgenre in the very little corner of Connor fanfiction: Connor meeting the ghost of his mother. An elegant story by viola_dreamwalk, set and written in early season 4, i.e. before this meeting actually took place in canon.

She later, in season 5, tackled a ghostly encounter between Darla and Connor again, which is not connected to the earlier story and offers an interesting counterpoint interpretation: Soothe the Burn.

Also set in season 5 (post-Damage, most definitely pre-Origin) and written by the one and only Kita is Manus, in which Angel broods on Connor, Spike, and, in Kita's words, "women who haunt him, and blue eyed boys who spit venom at him. Who crawl into bed with their mothers, take from him all the women Angel has loved, and only begrudge Angel respect while he beats the life out of them".

And lastly, a very creepy and yet oddly touching AU in which Jasmine reigns and her thrall was never broken, Pentecost, by Doyle. Be warned, while there is nothing explicit, there is emotional incest all over the place.


The newest bunch I discovered to my delight is here, and the one I'm using is an example.


Alas, I can't find my favourite Connor vid online anymore, which used the song "Anticipate". However, there are plenty more:

Counting Bodies offers the unholy family, Angel, Connor and Darla all at once. Love the black and white, the colour red creeping in, and the connections drawn between the characters.

Also a family vid, by yhlee, and in fact the one I mentioned in my essay: Fighting It. This one also uses plenty of Wesley, which is only right as you could say he and Connor were each other's misfortune.

Zero is a great Connor character study, and has been amply reviewed here for all the important point it makes about Connor, Angel, Jasmine etc., so let me praise it for the shallow Vinnie = Pretty reason as well.

Lastly, mine own oeuvres. Fanfiction, since I can't make icons or vids:

The Haunting, Hunted Kind was my own contribution to the ghostly genre mentioned earlier, though I hope I came up with a twist - Darla is the one haunted, in fact. Consider it my fictional love declaration to Darla and Connor, my favourite AtS characters.

Doubt was a challenge reply I wrote for theatrical_muse; Connor post-Inside Out in season 4.

Word Made Flesh was my take on Jasmine, and hence deals a lot with Connor as well.

Ouroboros, set post season 5, is the longest thing I've written on the subject of Connor so far and is a Sandman crossover. Lyta Hall with her lost son, her own guilt and her connection to the Furies, avengers of kindslaying, was just bound to meet Connor Riley.

ETA: I found the vid Anticipate!

angel, connor

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