tooth extraction

Jun 26, 2004 14:02

There's a hole in my gu-um, dear friendslist, dear friendslist!
There's a hole in my gu-um, dear friendslist, a hole!

For those who wanted to know what was going on with yesterday's post, I woke up at 3:30am and got up at 5am 'cos I couldn't sleep. And I had a tooth extraction scheduled for 4:30pm that was pretty darned close to my sinal cavity (not a good thing) and was going under IV sedation. And a whole day to work before then. So I was a leetle stressed.

Extraction went fine; IV sedation went without a hitch, although I was so tired I just about fell asleep before they injected the stuff; no nerves were hit so I retain use of all my facial muscles; as far as I know, my sinal cavity is intact, and the biggest inconvenience of the whole matter is that there is a raw hole in my gum where the tooth used to be, and anaesthetic may have done something weird to my digestive processes since my stomach sounds like a coffee percolator. Or maybe that's just the lack of food.

Ugh. At least it stopped bleeding. The whole 'blood in my mouth' thing? Not fun. At all.

Oh and anyone looking for the Angel Fluffathon entry? I'm sorry, it's not finished yet. Tooth extraction and the muse hitting the Harry Potter bottle hard has meant it got delayed. Give me the rest of the weekend and I'll have it all done - promise!
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