Afterlife crisis?

Jan 12, 2008 19:58

Milliways doesn't seem to hold the same charm over him as it once did.

He sits in his room, staring into the makeshift Gate, but doesn't really see the godfire burning in it.

His hand is at his neck, where the cheetah pendant is. The one Amanda-a different Amanda-gave him as a gift. But it seems to be ignored too.

Sakti and the wolves cluster about the room, but as is the case with the Gate and the pendant, they're not really noticed either.

What is the point to being here? he'd seem to be wondering. He's learned about marshmallows and Halloween. Computers and shapeshifting. True affection for another though he kept the expression of that under control. He'd been to other worlds, and helped out another person in what could be the beginnings of true altruism for a man never known for altruism. And his journey into cyberspace combined a journey to another world with altruism. Achieving two feats with one effort.

They're all great, one would say, and for a time they were. Now, like King Haggard he finds that his interest in them all is waning.

Perhaps it is time to go. Move on. But where?

All he knows is...

Milliways doesn't seem to hold the same charm over him as it once did.
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