KakaIru Love Meme

May 05, 2011 01:07

Let's share some fandom love!

It works like this: ~ Post the LJ name of a user you love in a new comment, or find an existing thread for a user you love ( Read more... )

love meme, fandom, kakairu

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illereyn May 6 2011, 19:47:31 UTC


(sorry, don't know how to link profiles)


illereyn May 6 2011, 19:52:40 UTC
Your fics are always interesting, hot, and hint at so much more. For the Art is a particular favourite, and the crackfic in the courtroom is just priceless


tucuxi May 6 2011, 20:11:53 UTC
THe first thing I ever read by you was Winter in a Bottle, and I spent such a long time just sort of staring at the screen in glee when I realized it was a Sunshine/Naruto fusion. It is one of my favorite fic - ever.

You pull off AUs with amazing flare, and keep the characters (seemingly effortlessly) themselves, which takes some doing.

Plus? Guh. Brain-dribbling-out-ears hot smut.


sejitsu May 8 2011, 05:28:28 UTC
I really enjoy reading your fics; Winter in a Bottle was fantastic; I was completely sucked in, and I'm pretty AU picky when it comes to KakaIru. I enjoyed every minute of it, though, from the way you seamlessly integrated them while still keeping them in character. You also have the amazing ability to write really hot smut really well, which is fantastic~ :D


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