Let's share some fandom love!
It works like this:
~ Post the LJ name of a user you love in a new comment, or find an existing thread for a user you love.
~ Comment on why they're awesome, fangirl over their writing/art/etc, flail over the glee they inspire in you.
~ Comment with/on as many names as you like!
~ Please comment only on the comment with the person's user name, for easier tracking.
~ Please pimp this out so everyone can be showered with love!
~ NO negative comments, bashing, or wank.
~ No anonymous comments; this is to spread the love, which you can do under your own name.
~ Feel free to link people to your own thread.
~ If you're still unsure of how this works, have a look at the
Inception Love Meme, which I shamelessly stole the idea from. :)
Here is a list of the existing threads for each respective LJ user, which I will be updating regularly:
Beasiesgal Megyal Jofelly Rutheatsu Sejitsu Tucuxi Avocado_Love Ericales Paxnirvana Thehoyden Jbmcdragon Shi_Chan06 Ranty_Rie Kiterie Fox4859 Unjaundiced Dangerprawn Jarredgoddess Gryvon Txilar Kita-the-Spaz Darkauroran Kansouame Imepic Livruka Senna_chan Rageprufrock Windfallswest Maldoror-gw Devikun Aviss Micah-n10