KakaIru Love Meme

May 05, 2011 01:07

Let's share some fandom love!

It works like this: ~ Post the LJ name of a user you love in a new comment, or find an existing thread for a user you love ( Read more... )

love meme, fandom, kakairu

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tucuxi May 5 2011, 10:48:14 UTC
tucuxi May 5 2011, 10:53:55 UTC
Your fic is actually the main reason I am in this fandom in the first place: it was so engaging that I had to go see what this whole Naruto thing was about. (Sadly, much less about Kakashi/Iruka than fandom would have you believe, but that happens.)

I love the many different ways you've explored the relationship between the two of them, and I've re-read your fic (or re-listened-to them) more times than I've commented on them, by far. I don't know if you're still active in this fandom at all, but I figured - hey - you've written some awesome fic, and that deserves recognition. :)


sejitsu May 5 2011, 17:11:38 UTC
I absolutely adore your fics. How To File Form 39-B is one of my very favorite KakaIru fics ever. I can't even say how much I admire your skills; your characterization is always flawless, and reading your fics hardly feel like reading at all, they flow so well. Also. Your. smut. Is. Fantastic. *w* When I recently found that you wrote for my other OTP, I let out such a shriek of glee and couldn't stop smiling. <3 I'm so proud to have known you as a KakaIru fan first, though.


senna_chan May 5 2011, 20:52:50 UTC
One of my Top 10 KakaIru-authors. Definitely

The stories you've made are simple yet amazing, the relationship between Kakashi and Iruka always a pleasure to read. I should re-read your stuff again, as soon as possible.

- Senna-chan


gryvon May 5 2011, 23:07:30 UTC
You're my favorite author. Period. I got drawn in through Tenshi Gakuen and I absolutely love all of your fics (that I've read, for the fandoms I know). Your fics are like comfort food. ^_^


megyal May 6 2011, 04:30:39 UTC
OMG. The. Hoyden. I don't have words to express how awesome I find your works. Seriously, you are The Boss.


illereyn May 6 2011, 18:38:39 UTC
Your fics are always lovely and cute. Thank you for sharing them!


txilar May 7 2011, 03:40:02 UTC
you're one of my favourite k/i writers and i've reread your fic so much, if it were printed it'd be dog-eared, much like kakashi's orange books are. your fic is a pinnacle to which i strive to even come close. thank you for inspiring me to try this fandom!


micah_n10 May 12 2011, 06:28:56 UTC
You're one of my top 5 favorite authors, and not just for the KakaIru fandom. Every time I find you've written a story for one of my slowly developing new fandom/pairings, my heart does a little flip. Your writing is just that brilliant.

I love how you capture each character perfectly, their relationships and how they're so them. Every time I read one of your stories everything is beautiful and nothing hurts. ^3^

(PS. You write the best frigging Danny William's EVER. I didn't think it was possible to fangirl you more, and then you wrote H50. Thank you for being so awesome.)


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