KakaIru Love Meme

May 05, 2011 01:07

Let's share some fandom love!

It works like this: ~ Post the LJ name of a user you love in a new comment, or find an existing thread for a user you love ( Read more... )

love meme, fandom, kakairu

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sejitsu May 5 2011, 05:24:50 UTC
sejitsu May 5 2011, 05:31:35 UTC
Megyal! :D You are incredibly sweet and talented. I adore your fics and have re-read them so many times, I practically have several memorized. Your characterization and wonderful writing in general make me flail with glee when I see new fic from you. Oh, and you write extremely hot smut. <3 You even wrote me KakaIru & Eames/Arthur crossover fic, which is clearly one of THE BEST THINGS EVER BB. You always contribute great things to add to the Comm, and the KakaIru Fests always run smoothly with all of your behind-the-scenes effort. I was initially too shy to talk to you much besides complementing your fics and Kink Meme fills (which you are a QUEEN of), but that was kind of silly, because you're so friendly and welcoming all the time. ^^ Thanks for encouraging me to host a Love Meme!


illereyn May 7 2011, 14:46:14 UTC
You even wrote me KakaIru & Eames/Arthur crossover fic, which is clearly one of THE BEST THINGS EVER BB

Wha, really? I NEED TO READ THIS TOO. Pretty please? :D


avocado_love May 5 2011, 05:50:43 UTC
Megyal!!!!!!! <333333

One of the few authors who, when you put up a new story, I have to drop everything to read. The Bijozakura Seal is one of my favorite fics EVER, but I've never been disappointed by any of your work. I really appreciate how much work and effort you put into this fandom with the fests and the kink meme. You are an inspiration!


tucuxi May 5 2011, 10:12:59 UTC
Absolutely one of my favorite authors in this fandom. I can't think of anyone else who could write an mpreg epic that not only makes me finish the whole thing, but makes me re-read it all starry-eyed. The Bijouzakura Seal is one of my go-to 'comfort food' fics. Whether heartbreaking or lovable or cracktastic, I know I'll always enjoy your fic when it pops up.


rutheatsu May 5 2011, 15:58:26 UTC
Your stuff got me into reading more fanfics... I still don't read a lot, but I always, always read your KakaIru stuff.
Because it's simply amazing, beautiful, and it's just so them.
Thank you for being such an amazing author. :3


ericales May 5 2011, 18:19:04 UTC
You are one of my go-to authors in this fandom. I've re-read your fics more often than I can say. I love your characterization, and the sense of fun in so many of your fics. I love that even when a story has darker elements, I can pretty much look forward to a happy ending.


senna_chan May 5 2011, 20:26:30 UTC
I envy little bit your writing skills. The stories you come up with are always so fascinating.

- Senna-chan


gryvon May 5 2011, 23:05:03 UTC
Many a project has been postponed because you posted a new story and I had to read it RIGHT NOW. I also love how many different fandoms we share, thus I get even more lovely fic beyond just the KakaIru lovelies. ^___^ I'm totally <3ing smut_fest so thank you for modding there.


begging the question txilar May 6 2011, 00:05:05 UTC
megyal is awesome because SHE IS SO AWESOMELY SO.

Your fic is awesome, you are awesome, and, and, your cats are awesome and YOUAREJUSTSOAWESOMEICAN"TSTANDIT.

But wait!

I totally stand it! You're too awesome not to



kansouame May 6 2011, 01:05:36 UTC
Thank you so much for your wonderful fics!! Just a lovely writer. ♥


troublesome_jv May 6 2011, 04:37:37 UTC
You are amazing. I honestly can't think of any other words to describe you. Everything you write is a pleasure to read, and I eagerly await what you write next :)


illereyn May 6 2011, 17:41:55 UTC
Megyal! I don't know what to say. I love so many of your fics, so much (and I just discovered some on AO3 that I don't think I've read before - I take it you don't put everything on ff.net ( ... )


monypatos May 7 2011, 04:08:03 UTC
I regret not speak English well, so we could say better words how much I enjoyed your fic and how grateful I am for your responses to my comments, which always gave me a receipt; friendly attitude only leads me to think about quality of person.
RAGO atte.


kiterie May 8 2011, 04:07:26 UTC
You are so clever and your creativity with fics really seriously just astounds me sometimes. You have some of the most beautiful phrasings ever. Plus you're a complete sweetheart and so friendly!


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