KakaIru Love Meme

May 05, 2011 01:07

Let's share some fandom love!

It works like this: ~ Post the LJ name of a user you love in a new comment, or find an existing thread for a user you love ( Read more... )

love meme, fandom, kakairu

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sejitsu May 5 2011, 05:18:41 UTC
sejitsu May 5 2011, 05:23:39 UTC
You are one of the sweetest people I know in the entire fandom and online, for that matter. Your artwork always makes me grin uncontrollably. I love love LOVE pchatting with you, and even when I'm insecure about my own art, you encourage me. You sent me the best birthday presents ever last year, and really made my whole week. :D I tend to be horribly shy, but you are so very kind and lovely, and I can talk/rant/fangirl over anything with you. Our fandom would not be the same without your awesomeness, dear. *3*


tucuxi May 5 2011, 10:05:09 UTC
Your art is so much fun -- seeing a post from you pop up makes me grin without fail, whether it's sketches or more finished pieces. I don't think you know how incredibly pleased I was when you drew something for one of my comment!fic. And as for the really gorgeous cornfield-kissing piece you did? That would be my laptop's background in an INSTANT if I didn't have to take the thing to class with me.

(It's just a bonus that you seem to be as crazy fond of genderswapping for fun as I am. ;) )


troublesome_jv May 5 2011, 12:50:43 UTC
When I think of Kakashi and Iruka, your artwork is the first thing that pops into my mind :)
I love how you can take them both and put them into any situation and make it look absolutely amazing.


megyal May 5 2011, 14:12:12 UTC
Your artwork is so cool; I'm using one as my icon RIGHT NOW. I'm so glad we have such a great fanartist like you!


rutheatsu May 5 2011, 15:56:40 UTC
Hereby I admit that I truly love you.

Your artwork is always so... so.... amazing. Can't find any other words for this, honey, I'm sorry. But I'm in love with your style.


ericales May 5 2011, 18:17:06 UTC
Before joining this fandom, I didn't pay much attention to fanart. I can't keep my eyes off of your art. It's always gorgeous.


senna_chan May 5 2011, 20:24:36 UTC
I've loved your KakaIru art ever since you started to post it in here. I still check your DA account everyday to see if there's any new art. There's few pictures I'd like to write a fic for you, especially this ever so beautiful Early Mornings and the one where Kakashi plays cello - sadly I couldn't find it from your gallery. -_-

Plus, I still adore very much of the fanart you made me from my mermaid!Kakashi-story. ^_^

- Senna-chan


kansouame May 6 2011, 01:00:10 UTC
You art!!

You have a talent beyond compare and I shall always think of you as THE Kaka/Iru artist.

Your Ride of a Lifetime still gives me that little clinch in the middle of my chest every time I look at it. ♥

Thank you for sharing your talent with us.


kiterie May 6 2011, 22:51:07 UTC
You're such a sweetheart and so freaking talented. I love your art so much and you are one of the top artist that comes to mind when I think KakaIru. It's been freaking amazing to watch you grow too. Not that you weren't absolutely fabulous from the start but you're even more amazing now! I love talking to you too cuz you always make me laugh.


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