Title: Addiction
seiyokuRating: R
Genre: angsty retrospective slutty ficlet
Warnings: Drug references, sexual references, swearing
Pairings: Akame
Disclaimers: Hell used to belong to Satan; and then Kat-tun took over.
Authors notes: Weee! They are rockstars! Let's give 'em booze and drugs cause it makes for great fanfic plot bunnies
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Comments 20
1582? haha, i think i could agree with you :) i think it had this mystery and 'hot' feeling in it
thank you for this, i like this fic
Ah, I hate to love that song so much, but it worked so well as inspiration for this. Really odd lyrics and really strange dark and yet sexy feel to it.
And thank you!
i loved this fic!
of the unfathomable but fathomable at the same time contents.
this is really good.
YOU are really good.
now i feel like a drug addict.
i want drug!
Yes, it is one of those things that... you can understand it, but at the same time it is a mystery. What is real and what isn't?
Thank you. I am just glad that people liked it.
ps.- I'm right there with you about the rewrites. It takes me time to complete something because I sit and start writing and however it comes, however the plot takes me, I just follow. So far, the writing and deleting and stuff hasn't worked for me. If it doesn't come out right the first time, I probably won't like it at all later.
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