Title: Milk Pairing: Jessica/Tiffany Note: One of my fave JeTi fics aka "Habit, Need or Love" is back and an idea came to me when read the part where Kaylie said "milk".
[You said you hated milk.]Tiffany hates milk. Everyone who knows her know how much she hates milk. She hated it since she had that spoiled milk back in 2nd grade. She was hospitalized because of the
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Title: My Bucket List Pairing: Xiumin/Suho/Sehun College AU Note: This was my entry on suholiday fanfic exchange fest. I'm going to post it here, idek why.
"You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love; the running across fields into your lover's arms can only come later when you're sure they won't laugh if you trip." Suho slowly reads as he
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