Probably Another Short One - But Hey! I'm Here Typing SOMETHING!

Mar 30, 2024 08:37

Again . . . I'm having trouble just typing a post. This is NOT the straight-forward, easy-to-post software I'm used to and I am pretty fed up about running into this as the automatic version that is presented to me. . .And no trustworthy way to return to the Old And Proven. I really want to get back into the habit of posting, but this software does ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

thespian15 March 31 2024, 10:45:48 UTC
YAY for lunch with old friends. :)

I hope MiniCon has been fantastic for you? :)

HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugs, Jon


seekerval April 1 2024, 11:05:17 UTC

Yes, My Friend! MiniCon was an excellent way to spend the weekend. CONVERSATIONS, interesting programs (often "funny"), very kind comments &/or compliments, managing to be USEFUL & HELPFUL to appreciative people, reconnecting with Old Friends, BUYING BOOKS, attending "Programs", and so on filled the days and evenings. And there is also the evidence of improved eyesight in recapturing the ability to drive in the dark of night and an easier go with READING than I've had for way too many months!

I hope your Easter Holiday was a good one. Sending hugs and love your way, my friend.


thespian15 April 2 2024, 01:32:30 UTC
It was quiet. Just me and Maggie.
I had a short call with Neil, and thought about calling you, but my phone battery was getting pretty low. Sorry...
Back to work tonight, so I think it's time to try for a nap. lol.......


seekerval April 2 2024, 21:54:25 UTC

I hope the rest of your week improves. You and Maggie take good care of each other. And you can call me just about any time, although--for reality's sake--I'm usually heading for bed around 9pm. On non-work-days-tomorrow, later is okay, but I usually leave the phone downstairs so best call earlier to catch me.


dreamshark April 1 2024, 20:40:13 UTC

It was great seeing you at Minicon! Maybe we'll see you again tonight at the Dead Dodo party? (our house)


seekerval April 1 2024, 21:30:50 UTC

Greetings, Dreamshark! Am glad to hear from you here. You are also totally welcome to communicate with me straight to my home email at anytime.

I've been planning to come to your Dead Dodo party and was looking forward to it, as well. But this afternoon I was literally falling asleep over my work keyboard which really made The Job difficult. I had to admit to myself that I'm more worn out than I realized, and need to stay home to rest and get to sleep early &/or on my couch. If I fall asleep without warning this evening, I'd rather that happens here at home instead of while driving the car or on YOUR couch. I'm disappointed that I don't dare join you and The Crew at the DdDd party, but I'm sure you understand. I'll be there for the next one in person!

Have LOTS of FUN!!!


dreamshark April 2 2024, 20:13:29 UTC

Totally understandable. Just wanted to make sure you knew about it. We actually had a remarkably high turnout, all things considered. I always forget that some people actually have to WORK on the Monday after Easter. I am currently completely confused about what day it is, having followed 4 days of Minicon with a day of party hosting. It feels like a Sunday - one of those days where you sleep in to recover from Saturday and then just vegetate and clean up. But I'm sure I'll see you soon.

And I see what you mean about this new interface. I can't even figure out how to POST THIS DAMN COMMENT.


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