Probably Another Short One - But Hey! I'm Here Typing SOMETHING!

Mar 30, 2024 08:37

Again . . . I'm having trouble just typing a post. This is NOT the straight-forward, easy-to-post software I'm used to and I am pretty fed up about running into this as the automatic version that is presented to me. . .And no trustworthy way to return to the Old And Proven. I really want to get back into the habit of posting, but this software does NOT encourage it. sigh....

Enough crabbing about that for now.

Yesterday (Friday) I started working at 6a.m. and put in the last 5 hours needed to bring my week up to the full 40 hours. Then I went to the Cheesecake Factory to meet up and have lunch with a dear woman I haven't seen in years. She and I had been Good Friends for quite a long time, then we started to change major interests and to drift apart. THEN, she moved to the East Coast and we hadn't seen each other since. We had a Lovely Lunch and Catch-Up! I'm hoping we manage to keep some better contact over the coming years, despite the fact that she will continue living in the East, and I am here.

After our lunch, I went to the hotel where the MiniCon SF&F Convention is going on this weekend. Saw many old friends & acquaintances whom I hadn't seen in sadly long times. Enjoyed the conversations, the kind compliments, the updates on others' lives, and the whole Thing! I will be heading back today (and tomorrow) and am looking forward to whatever experiences I find there.

I haven't felt so encouraged, positive, and looking forward to the near future in much longer than I plan to think about! So there!!!!

I hope you all enjoy your weekend, my friends. And I wish you a particularly lovely and joyous Easter!

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