Meme! Marry, Shag or Cliff

Sep 25, 2010 16:52

Yes, yes, I've done this meme already -- but I'm doing it again.

1) Comment to this and I will give you 3 people.
2) Post this meme with your answers.
3) Provide pictures and the names of the 3 people.
4) Label whom you would shag, marry and kill/toss off a cliff.

elrhiarhodan gave me the following ( Read more... )

pic spam, meme

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Comments 15

justinlovesart September 25 2010, 21:04:08 UTC
Gimme. Gender is no issue.


justinlovesart September 25 2010, 21:06:17 UTC
Also, I've no idea who is Peter Burke but you make me want to know him.


secretsolitaire September 25 2010, 23:54:23 UTC
He's an FBI agent on the show White Collar, which is my latest guilty pleasure. His (quite awesome) wife is Elizabeth, and they have one of the strongest marriages I've seen on television -- affectionate, mutually respectful/supportive, built on trust. He is a workaholic and doesn't always get to spend enough time with her, but he makes up for it by, say, making her favorite pot roast (and she has her own high-powered career, so she's not usually sitting around waiting for him). I also really like that they are childless and happy.

Probably more than you wanted to know, but there you go. :-)


secretsolitaire September 25 2010, 23:46:43 UTC
You got it!

Randy Harrison
Vivian from Desert Hearts
Martina Navratilova


morebliss September 25 2010, 21:05:16 UTC
You cliffed Kinney!


secretsolitaire September 25 2010, 23:58:06 UTC
I know! I can't believe it myself. My QaF fandom days really are over. :-(

Do you want some names? If so:

Rafa Nadal (♥)
Roger Federer
Gerard Way


izzyfics September 25 2010, 21:49:57 UTC
Sooo agree here (especially the Jim part, and the Chris Pine!Jim part). And your reasons for cliffing Kinney make a great deal of sense.

I wanna play!


secretsolitaire September 26 2010, 00:04:42 UTC
Your Chris Pine icon there is one of the yummiest shots of him I've ever seen. *licks*

Let's see. For you:



izzyfics September 26 2010, 19:07:18 UTC
He is really yummy. :)


flashfly September 26 2010, 06:45:59 UTC

I didn't know who Peter Burke was either. Now I do.

Brian doesn't look too bad splattered on the rocks below, hair mussed a little more than normal and what little blood there is (all the major organs have ruptured but the blood loss is mostly contained within the body) keeps getting washed away by the surf. If you didn't know better, he almost looks like he's sunbathing (you pushed him off the cliff while he was wearing a bathing suit on a father/son outing with Gus). Oh dear, Gus is running down the side of the cliff, screaming and crying. I hope nothing happens to him too.


secretsolitaire September 26 2010, 16:22:46 UTC
For you:

Andre Agassi
Severus Snape
Brian Kinney (here's your chance to rescue him from the cliff and save poor grieving Gus! You write a mean guilt trip *g*)


noteverything17 September 28 2010, 22:24:54 UTC
Yes...I want to play. :D (and..hey! Hope you're doing well)


secretsolitaire September 29 2010, 02:16:26 UTC
Hey there! I'm doing well -- nice to see you around these parts. :-)

For you:

Brian Kinney (I'm assuming you're not going to cliff him, but I guess we'll see!)
Draco Malfoy
Adam Lambert


noteverything17 September 30 2010, 00:26:47 UTC
Wow...that's incredibly hard. I have to dig up pics of these people and then I'll figure out what to do with these lovely men.


secretsolitaire September 30 2010, 01:35:53 UTC
Hee. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!


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