Meme, rant, linkage, etc.

Mar 29, 2009 18:17

God, I hate poorly written porn. I've ranted about this before, but why can't people quit writing about stimulating prostates with one's tongue? Way to yank me out of a good rimming scene. D-:<

In other porny news, remember the HP Anonymous Kink Meme? There are still dozens of prompts to be claimed (and four of my six have been written now, much to my horniness delight!), so if you're a writer looking for something quick and fun to work on, I encourage you to head on over and check out the offerings. And if you're just a reader, go check out the fics that have already been written! There's some really hot stuff there. :-D

Also, have a few good links on beta-related issues:

Workshop: Giving Great Beta by girlmostlikely: Excellent, practical tips for betas

The Ten Beta Commandments by minnow-53: A more lighthearted post for both writers and betas

And finally, justinlovesart gave me three men -- two HP characters and an actor -- for that "Marry, Shag or Throw Off a Cliff" meme. And here they are...

Marry: Jake Gyllenhaal
Because who wouldn't want to wake up to this smile every morning?

Shag: Sirius Black
No pic here because Gary Oldman's Sirius does absolutely nothing for me -- but I would shag a younger Sirius, right before he went into Azkaban. For me that Sirius looks something like (asdlfka;jsdfl;akjflkajdf guh) this (art by thanfiction). Sirius doesn't get my marriage vote because he's too arrogant and reckless, and later too unstable, for my tastes. But I think that arrogance and recklessness could perhaps translate to fun in bed. ;-)

Cliff: Severus Snape
Snape gets the cliff because in general I don't find greasy hair and yellow skin all that sexy, though I do think he could probably give a good spanking. Hmm.

If you want me to give you three people, leave a comment (and tell me if you have a preferred gender). :-)

pic spam, rants, beta-ing, meme

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