The Riddle of the Bells [[ Open ]]

Mar 20, 2011 12:48

Characters: Anyone interested in figuring out the mystery behind the church’s chimes
Time: Throughout the day (Currently post-dated to Sunday, February 13th)
Location: St. Peter's Church to the café at Barnes and Noble on East Jackson
Content: The bells of churches in the northern part of the Loop have been ringing all day - even for churches that ( Read more... )

[character] galahad, [character] jennifer walters, [character] dean winchester, [character] neal caffrey, [character] charity carpenter, [character] zatanna zatara

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charityandfaith March 23 2011, 22:23:35 UTC
Charity had made a sincere effort to hold her tongue on the subject of Zatanna's attire. It was, after all, only a little worse than what Molly had worn when she was in what Charity didn't like to think of as anything more than that phase. In a church, though? Definitely not appropriate. "Organization comes pretty easily after realizing what chaos the household would devolve into otherwise. I have seven children." And she missed them terribly. Chaos would be held at bay by Michael and Daniel, but keeping the household running smoothly wasn't the only thing of importance ( ... )


spellsbackwards March 26 2011, 23:39:19 UTC
"What she said. At least, if it turns out to be nothing, we can at least get some shopping done, right?" Again with the quipping. It was a coping mechanism.

She didn't bother putting her coat back on. Her costume was specially enchanted to keep her warm, and allow full movement should anything hit the fan. Her wand, an item that was normally a prop at best, but she was finding more and more useful in this world, slid out of her coat sleeve and into her hand.


sonof3lions March 26 2011, 23:48:57 UTC
Galahad stood back, as he had no idea where this 'Barnes and Noble' was. His hand did settle at the pommel of his sword, however, a weather eye on the young man holding hands with the...well, at least she was covered. And unarmored.


charityandfaith March 27 2011, 13:50:38 UTC
Charity took care to memorize the name Neal gave. Belias. Should any of the knights arrive, she would have a name to give them. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she considered the implications of Dean's reaction. Not only did he know, he presumably had experience with angels, fallen and otherwise. She might like to talk with him later.

She'd spent plenty of times among those with a tendency for nervous quips, Harry Dresden the primary example. Charity saw Zatanna's comment for what it was.

"This way, then," Charity said, beckoning the group along with her as she started toward the nearest B&N. Before doing so, she pulled her warhammer from her bag, zipped the bag back up, and slung it over a shoulder. Just in case. The Denarian had recognized whatever was here, and Neal thought they should be careful.


hatsandespresso March 27 2011, 14:41:42 UTC
Neal frowned at Dean's comment - a family feud? He tried to pinpoint the feelings that had swept over Belias when he recognized the power that lurked in the direction of the bookstore. But the memory was fleeting and he couldn't read anything from the fallen angel anymore, as if he had realized Neal was on to him and quickly smothered any sort of emotions he had been feeling. Strangely enough, he did not protest at the idea of going to investigate.

That itself made Neal wary.

As they headed out, walking down the handful of blocks that led to the bookstore, Neal couldn't help but ask, Who is it, Belias?

A bolt of pain - he managed not to wince at it. None of your concern, mortal.

Very strange indeed.


chosenfreedom March 27 2011, 17:30:23 UTC
Dean headed toward the doors to get to the bookstore as well. He got his Colt 1911 ready after pulling it out from the back of his jeans. He kept near Charity though his gaze tracked the rest of the group as they made their way to the familiar green storefront.


legallygreen March 27 2011, 18:59:37 UTC
Feeling woefully out of place, Jennifer released Neal's hand as they arrived at Barnes and Noble, and moved to the side, out of the way for now. She waited for everyone else to go inside before her silently, but wondered what else was waiting for them inside. Dean would be ready to go in shooting, the others a mystery. She hoped they would all stay calm.


secondcity_npc March 28 2011, 13:44:55 UTC
It seemed almost strangely quiet when the group arrived in front of the popular bookstore - the area was devoid even of ghostly passersby and no cars roamed down the street. In fact, the only real sound was of their own steps on the pavements...and the steps of another group quickly approaching from the south.

Less than a few seconds after they arrived, two other people did the same. They would not have seemed out of place walking along the streets of Chicago, but there was a murderous gleam in the young girl's eyes. The man however seemed faintly amused upon having run into the other group just outside of the bookstore, and laughed heartily.

"Well, well - isn't this a surprise," Nicodemus said.


spellsbackwards March 30 2011, 07:07:47 UTC
"No idea who this guy is," Zatanna admitted. "But I really don't like him."

She could practically smell the evil wafting off of him and his companion. It was unsettling. And something about him reminded her of Etrigan, which was... about six hundred and sixty six kinds of Really Not Good.


sonof3lions March 30 2011, 11:06:38 UTC
"On that, my lady, you have my complete agreement." Galahad tensed as the man spoke, hand tightening on the pommel of his sword, though he didn't unsheathe it yet. He did, however, draw himself up to his full height, eyes flicking back and forth between the lady and the strange man before them.


charityandfaith March 31 2011, 03:33:57 UTC
There was almost no sight more unwelcome than that of the man with the noose around his neck. Still worse that he came accompanied by another. The moment she glimpsed Nicodemus, very quietly, she began to pray. "Lord, please stand with us against the darkness we now face," she said simply, crossing herself and finishing with an "Amen." Years of fear came flooding back, far worse than it had been when Neal picked up the coin. She had spent the duration of her marriage with the knowledge that her husband faced these foes, and that they were so powerful that he might never return ( ... )


hatsandespresso April 1 2011, 02:34:07 UTC
There were two very distinct approaching presences in his mind - the familiar and inviting one that traced itself back to the cafe inside the book store and then another one, darker and sinister approaching from behind. Belias recognized both, but Neal definitely recognized the latter and turned just in time to see Nicodemus stroll down the street, a pretty doe-eyed girl following him.

The boiling shadow that he knew was Belias fumed. Deidre, that bitch.

Later, Neal wouldn't quite recall what made him do so - whether it was Belias's own anger and confusion or that same unspoken power that seemed to be radiating from within the store - but he realized that it was possibly the dumbest thing to do. He stepped away from the group, almost neatly putting himself between Nicodemus and the rest.

"You felt it too, huh?"


chosenfreedom April 1 2011, 04:41:28 UTC
Dean gave a bitter snort of derision at Charity's prayer, "No offense but the guy's had his phone off the hook for too damn long. We're on our own here."

He flipped the safety off his gun, and kept it in easy access for aiming and firing. His own instincts were picking up that whoever the he'll this dick was, he and the kid he was chaperoning were bad news.

It didn't stop him from stepping forward to the front of the group by Neal, "Yeah, looks like surprises all around, chuckles. Like the father-daughter picnic got cancelled so you and Lindsey there might as well head on out."


legallygreen April 1 2011, 04:56:40 UTC
"Oh hell..."

Jennifer's words were soft enough that nobody probably heard them. She realized she had put herself away from the group, and as such had singled herself out much as Neal had done, only before she had realized there was a major problem. She swallowed and took a breath, gathering her dignity and some decorum.


She frowned as Dean smart mouthed at the man, but he did not know the fallen angel. Fear trembled in her stomach a bit as she thought about the gun at her side, and moreso, the monster inside. If She-Hulk came out, she did not know if she could maintain the control to not harm the others with her overzealous rage. It would be worse than at the church.

Jennifer glanced over at Neal, looking for any sign of the fallen angel in his own head struggling to take over at the sight of its leader. She took another breath, but kept calm for the time being.


secondcity_npc April 1 2011, 21:37:40 UTC
"Such hostility," Nicodemus chuckled, not moving any closer to the group. "A shame that our reunion is tinged by distrust." His smile was friendly without being warm, his dark eyes sharply watching ever single member of the group as his shadow bubbled and boiled beneath him. The girl, her lovely features marred by the complete lack of humanity in her own eyes, looked from the group in front of the bookstore to the man by her side, a look of childish excitement crossing her face ( ... )


spellsbackwards April 4 2011, 00:12:14 UTC
"Polite and classy evil," Zatanna muttered. "Because Lex Luthor wasn't bad enough."

She rolled her eyes, and looked over to Charity. She seemed to be the most in-the-know of the bunch here.

"Spare a quick run-down for a gal who's new in town?" she asked quietly, leaning towards the armored woman.


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