The bars are temples...

Feb 09, 2011 16:44

Characters: Thomas and Sam
Time: January 23rd - sometime
Location: The Redhead Piano Bar
Content: Looking for love in all the wrong places. Or something.
Format: Prose.
Warnings: Hungry vampire, amnesiac demonic vessel. What could go wrong, I ask you.

...but the pearls ain't free )

[character] sam winchester, [character] thomas raith

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huntingmemory February 9 2011, 23:23:41 UTC
It was odd, coming back from a few hours passing and finding that over two weeks had gone by. He'd gotten changed from his wet clothing (being dunked in Lake Michigan wasn't his idea of fun), seen Dean and made certain his brother was okay, then needed to move. It wasn't anything against his brother, it was just that the whole thing had brought up some bad things that he needed to push down and aside again.

He found himself standing outside the Redhead Piano Bar, hands shoved in his pockets for a few moments before he pushed the door inward and stepped inside. Something was tickling at the back of his head and he looked around, finally noting someone sitting in one of the booths, reading. He thought about it for a moment, then headed that direction. Just in case one of the actual people in town. "Hey."


huntingmemory February 12 2011, 15:03:08 UTC
At least, thanks to that 'glass' inside him would help protect Sam from the worst of things. At least for a while. No telling how long that would be.

And Thomas was really putting his all into the seduction. Sam shifted, having to move to relieve the pressure in his jeans. Apparently, his body remembered a hell of a lot. "I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way," he said, breathing a bit heavier.


godofcologne February 12 2011, 21:12:13 UTC
Thomas' smile deepened, grew knowing as if he heard more than the words Sam spoke. Maybe he did. Maybe he heard the heavier breathing, the subtle shift of limbs. Or maybe it was pure anticipation, the smile of a predator who could feel the change in the air, the sense of a closing trap.

"Are you?" he drawled, somehow sounding lazy and unconcerned despite the velvet lure of desire that threaded through the two words. He tilted his head, studying Sam with silvered eyes that seemed to see far more than what was in front of him. Thomas' lips quirked, amused, and his demon came at his bidding, pooled against his skin in eager anticipation as he offered Sam a hand. "Prove me wrong then."


huntingmemory February 12 2011, 21:19:21 UTC
He wanted it. Oh God, he wanted it. It was an itch under his skin that he knew Thomas could scratch. It was, it wasn't just the lust. It was something else and if he took Thomas' hand--

Sam didn't know what would happen. But he had enough wherewithal to slide out of the booth and stand, shoving his hands into his pockets. "I want you," he said, voice shaky and a little too deep, arousal clearer in his tone than just the words. "And I'm perfectly willing to act on that."

Dean would be shocked, he was certain.

"But I'm not going to touch you," he said, forcing himself to think clearly. "Not here in public." Not a chance. He had no idea what he was playing with here, but public was not a safe place for it.

Whether there WAS a safe place for it, though, Sam really wasn't certain.


godofcologne February 12 2011, 21:56:04 UTC
Despite the fact that sensuality and the promise of smoldering heat clung to Thomas like a palpable second skin, the eyes that watched as Sam stood up were very cold eyes, predatory and calculating, inhuman. Those eyes raked Sam from head to toe as Thomas chuckled, the sound of his voice heavy with amusement and that same intoxicating pull.

So the buck thinks he can outrun the hunter? That he can bargain? We will let him run. We will catch him. And teach him he is no more that flesh and blood. He will run, then he will scream. And he will beg for us with every breath.What little part of Thomas still cared, what little part of him that hadn't been caught by his own demonic desires, had to admire Sam's willpower, even as he despaired that he had fallen too far again. Thomas slid out of his seat in the booth, the beer forgotten, and took a single step into Sam's personal space. He didn't touch the other man, but he was close enough to feel the heat radiating from skin, to feel the tension thrumming between bodily desire and mental ( ... )


huntingmemory February 12 2011, 23:11:55 UTC
Sam knew he'd faced down a lot of things that a lot of people would run from. Run like hell from and never look back. And they were probably the smart ones.

There was a definite feeling that he'd stepped too far and, if he did try to run, whatever it was behind that power would hunt him down and make it hurt. That Thomas, if he was any different, really, wouldn't be able to stop it. Sam knew it would still be a wiser idea, maybe, than trusting himself with what was about to happen.

He took a couple more breaths, weighing his options before he swung around and started following. "I can keep any promise I put my mind to."


godofcologne February 12 2011, 23:48:15 UTC
The Hard Rock was only a few minutes walk from the bar, and Thomas led Sam back to it unerringly. Initially it had been to minimize strain on his wounds, but it was proving a prophetic choice. The hotel itself was bustling as per usual, the empty shells that filled it seemed not to notice the two men who walked through the lobby. Thomas wove around them as if they were little more than moving furniture and stepped into a waiting elevator.

"Is that so," he said, turning his full attention back on Sam as the elevator door began to close. His demon's senses filled Thomas' awareness, and he could almost feel the pulse that raced beneath the other man's skin, the way his body hummed with life and emotion and energy. It is ours, by right and we will take it. We will have him and we will be satiated. "And how much longer can you keep your mind on your promise?"


huntingmemory February 13 2011, 00:11:10 UTC
"How long do I have to?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Sam leaned back against the wall of the elevator, hands still in his pockets. The small, enclosed space was really starting to trigger the 'fight or flight' response but he quashed it. He needed to keep that down.

It would have been wiser to follow it, maybe, but he was going to see this through now that he'd committed to it.


godofcologne February 13 2011, 00:37:59 UTC
Thomas and his demon left the question unanswered, left it hanging unsatisfied in the enclosed space as the elevator rose towards the top floor. The air fairly hummed with emotion, with desire and the slow growing fear that all the kine eventually began to feel before the Hunger fed on them. The most basic part of their minds recognized the predator, and his demon toyed with it, spinning desire to war with the desire to fly in fear. The more the prey felt, the richer the feeding. It had been what drew him to Justine, after all.

The elevator was spacious, as far as these things went, but Thomas somehow still managed to end up, seemingly without moving, within Sam's personal space. "Having second thoughts?" he drawled, leaning in again, temptation incarnate as the elevator began to slow. His words were little more than a warm whisper against skin. "There's no one else on this floor."


huntingmemory February 13 2011, 01:12:28 UTC
Sam looked at Thomas steadily, clenching his jaw as he looked at the man. And he was a man, whatever else was in there. His hands tightened in his pockets, fighting for his self control. It wasn't the easiest thing he'd done, but it kept him against the wall of the elevator and not diving to either kiss the other man or run for the door. "No," he said, voice just as steady as his gaze. "No second thoughts."


godofcologne February 13 2011, 01:40:36 UTC

Thomas closed the last of the distance between them as the elevator came to a stop, kissing Sam with an almost callous casualness despite the desire and rising heat. The touch of skin on skin was precisely what the waiting Hunger wanted and it reached for Sam with demonic glee, wanting nothing more than to dance through the other man, to drink deep of life and leave nothing more than quivering desire in its wake.


huntingmemory February 13 2011, 01:52:39 UTC
Well. Sam didn't touch first. That was a win for him, right?

Not that he was thinking about that, bringing his hands up to Thomas' hair. Because it was nice hair, okay?

The 'quivering desire' didn't quite happen, though, thanks to the protection Sam had against demonic powers and influence. Sam was definitely aroused and wanted Thomas more than he had before. He was hard enough to drive nails and clothing was really seeming like a bad idea. But he still had enough control to be able to break the kiss, breathing hard. "Not that easy," he managed. "Bed, at least."


godofcologne February 13 2011, 02:31:08 UTC
The brief contact was enough. It was there again, that almost glass-like barrier that shrugged off the Hunger's touch. Neither he nor his demon had been able to be sure whether it was still there (or had even been there at all) until the kiss, and the confirmation only made the darkness within him more eager.

He thinks himself protected? We can break him still, make him ours, mind body and soul...

"One kiss and you want to jump into bed," Thomas drawled in that same honeyed tone, a knowing smile on his lips as his gaze lingered on Sam. The elevator's doors stood open and waiting and Thomas stepped around Sam, very deliberately not touching the other man as he left the elevator, a keycard in hand. "I am going to take my time."

Yes, yes, yes, we will have him slowly, take him one gasp at a time, make him beg for us, drink deep and break him, crack the glass and make his deepest desire ours...


huntingmemory February 13 2011, 03:16:15 UTC
"You mean that wasn't where this was heading all along?" Sam could do flip. It wasn't quite an automatic mode as it might have been with some people, but he could do it.

Honestly, Sam didn't know about the protection. Dean hadn't mentioned it to him and it never came up in conversation. Maybe it should have. He didn't know he wasn't reacting the way that most people did when faced with the demon's full-on abilities.

Which was why he hung back for the space of a couple heartbeats before following Thomas out. "I think I'm glad. I'd hate to think I was just your quicky."


godofcologne February 13 2011, 05:09:35 UTC
Thomas waited until Sam was within arm's reach again to slide open the door, hooking a finger into the collar of the other man's shirt and pulling him close. "No, beds are boring," he answered. Glass barrier or no glass barrier, the kiss, that barest taste of liquid life, had been more than enough to remind him just how much he needed to feed, and whatever part of him still wanted to hold back was effectively silenced.

He reached up and tangled a hand in Sam's hair, pulling the other man down to him. The Hunger was already at his fingertips, reaching with every touch to drink, to sup, to dine, to feed, and Thomas was more than ready to indulge it, to lose himself in his darker nature. His free hand slid along Sam's side, seeking bare skin to touch and warm life to draw into himself.

He'd regret it in the morning.


huntingmemory February 13 2011, 17:52:16 UTC
It startled Sam for a second, but only that long. He shifted slightly, setting his feet for better balance as he reached up and wound his fingers into Thomas' hair. Very, very nice hair. He bit at the other man's bottom lip, sucking on it.

His t-shirt had ridden up at the back, under the other two shirts and jacket that he wore over it. It basically meant that skimming up the back of his jeans was a straight road right to skin, which made him shiver and moan softly, turning to push Thomas against a wall to deepen the kiss. He was not a passive partner. Not in the least.


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