The bars are temples...

Feb 09, 2011 16:44

Characters: Thomas and Sam
Time: January 23rd - sometime
Location: The Redhead Piano Bar
Content: Looking for love in all the wrong places. Or something.
Format: Prose.
Warnings: Hungry vampire, amnesiac demonic vessel. What could go wrong, I ask you.

Some little part of Thomas had expected to wake up, hung over but whole, in his bed at the Hard Rock Hotel, like he had every single day for the last two weeks. But apparently whatever had kept the days from moving on had a sick sense of humour, waiting until he (and a good number of the others) had been beaten to a bloody pulp before it decided to stop resetting them every morning. After he had changed the bandages on his wounds (which were healing much more slowly now that he had consciously stopped drawing on his demon's strength to heal them), Thomas limped his way out of the hotel, not wanting to be around if anyone (namely Skysong or Maureen) came looking for him.

His reserves were low, and he was loathe to explain his condition to the young dragon, who would fret, and he didn't want the temptation that would be Maureen, with all her brazen sexuality and the promise of healing. So Thomas limped his way over to the Redhead Piano Bar and cloistered himself in a booth, hiding behind a book and a shotglass, trying to hold off the inevitable.

[character] sam winchester, [character] thomas raith

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