A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away...

Jan 04, 2011 22:55

Characters: Linkara, anyone who wants to join in
Time: The night of this post, before January 5th rolls around
Location: The Blackstone Hotel ballroom
Content: Star Wars movie night. Because Jedi are better than nightmares. Yes.
Format: Party style, player's preference
Notes: I'll set up before, during, and after the movie subthreads. Feel free to ( Read more... )

[character] isa, [character] terra, [character] linkara, [character] jennifer walters, [character] axel, !open, [character] vin, [character] yue ayase

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Comments 38

Before the Movie iamaman_punch January 5 2011, 06:56:30 UTC
Re: Before the Movie legallygreen January 5 2011, 07:35:56 UTC
Milk Duds had been procured.

Comfortable shoes in the way of her slippers, jeans, and a warm sweater were all she needed as she made her way down to the ballroom with her giant sized container of Milk Duds and a soda. It had been far too long since she had gone to the movies. Especially a movie she knew she was going to enjoy. The problems the Rebel Alliance faced just seemed so much easier than her own.

Jennifer walked into the ballroom and sat down on one of the chairs, stealing the one in front of it and propping her feet up on it. She would relinquish said chair if anyone showed up, but for now it was comfortable just to have it that way.


iamaman_punch January 5 2011, 18:42:06 UTC
Linkara wasn't surprised to see Jennifer arrive before anyone else. She'd sounded like she was looking forward to the movie, after all. "Oh hey, you found the Milk Duds," he commented, taking a seat next to her. "Snack food hell averted."


legallygreen January 5 2011, 22:38:52 UTC
"The Gods have been appeased, and all is right in the world." She replied, smiling as Linkara sat down next to her. He was a nice guy, and she thought even more of him as he had set this all up. It also kept her from having to go to bed and have those nightmares again. The ones where Nicodemus was breaking into the church and help had never arrived. She relized the smile had faded from her face.

"Thanks. This was a great idea." Jennifer added, smiling again.


During the Movie iamaman_punch January 5 2011, 06:56:47 UTC
Re: During the Movie wanderlustroad January 12 2011, 02:00:50 UTC
Riku had wandered down to watch the movie when he had realized that the alternative was to fall asleep and face even more nightmares. Quietly taking a seat on the floor, he had settled in to be confused - Linkara's description of the movie sounded fun but he wasn't entirely too sure if he'd like it. After all, it sounded like he may have lived a more interesting version of the story already.

About halfway through the first movie, Riku was staring wide-eyed at the screen, literally on the edge of his seat. He saw too many similarities in the movie that were impossible to ignore - a young man destined to get off of his home world, to see the universe and to be part of something important and eventually very violently thrown into a battle he never could have imagined?

Right. Fiction. Sure.


iamaman_punch January 18 2011, 07:54:14 UTC
Linkara was keeping an eye on the people who'd showed up to watch the movie. Some, like Jennifer, knew exactly what they were in for. It was everyone else whose faces he was watching. If the parallels between movie and real life were there for Terra, who was to say they didn't exist for other people here?

Like that silver-haired guy. That was a rapt expression if he'd ever seen one. Looked like the movie was hitting pretty close to home. Halfway across the room from the guy, Linkara shifted in his seat. No need to disturb people - he'd keep an eye on the guy and intervene if anything happened. No big deal.


After the Movie iamaman_punch January 5 2011, 06:57:01 UTC
Re: After the Movie eroded_earth January 7 2011, 06:40:34 UTC
Terra just sort of stared numbly at the screen as the credits rolled. He was at a loss for words right now. Linkara had suggested Terra especially come see this movie and at first he had thought it was only as a way to distract him from the nightmares. After seeing it however Terra had a feeling there was more to it than that. There was just...a lot of things in the movie that reminded him of his own life and troubles that he wasn't sure how to feel about this.

He pushed up from the couch, walking towards the door. He needed some air, the movie had been good but it had once again made him start thinking about what his own world and destiny held in store for him (especially with Sora's own dreams hanging over his head). He needed some air.


iamaman_punch January 7 2011, 06:53:18 UTC
This was always Linkara's favorite part of these movies: right afterwards. He loved seeing people's reactions, especially from those who'd just watched them for the first time. It was always just fun. He looked around the room, trying to catch facial expressions, when he saw Terra get up and walk away.

Kind of tough to miss that, actually.

He gave the guy fifteen seconds to hit the door and then walked out after him. He let the door shut behind him before he spoke up. "Please tell me you're not coming out here to mope in the rain."

Except that it wasn't raining. Oh well; details weren't about to stop him.


eroded_earth January 7 2011, 07:39:14 UTC
Terra looked over his shoulder when he heard the door open. He'd had a feeling that Linkara was coming out here after him. He paused before glancing up at the sky, "Except it's not raining." Yes, he was ignoring the point.

He sighed, "It was a good movie Linkara, but it was just a little close to home right now." He hoped he hadn't offended his friend.


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