A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away...

Jan 04, 2011 22:55

Characters: Linkara, anyone who wants to join in
Time: The night of this post, before January 5th rolls around
Location: The Blackstone Hotel ballroom
Content: Star Wars movie night. Because Jedi are better than nightmares. Yes.
Format: Party style, player's preference
Notes: I'll set up before, during, and after the movie subthreads. Feel free to ( Read more... )

[character] isa, [character] terra, [character] linkara, [character] jennifer walters, [character] axel, !open, [character] vin, [character] yue ayase

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Before the Movie iamaman_punch January 5 2011, 06:56:30 UTC
Re: Before the Movie legallygreen January 5 2011, 07:35:56 UTC
Milk Duds had been procured.

Comfortable shoes in the way of her slippers, jeans, and a warm sweater were all she needed as she made her way down to the ballroom with her giant sized container of Milk Duds and a soda. It had been far too long since she had gone to the movies. Especially a movie she knew she was going to enjoy. The problems the Rebel Alliance faced just seemed so much easier than her own.

Jennifer walked into the ballroom and sat down on one of the chairs, stealing the one in front of it and propping her feet up on it. She would relinquish said chair if anyone showed up, but for now it was comfortable just to have it that way.


iamaman_punch January 5 2011, 18:42:06 UTC
Linkara wasn't surprised to see Jennifer arrive before anyone else. She'd sounded like she was looking forward to the movie, after all. "Oh hey, you found the Milk Duds," he commented, taking a seat next to her. "Snack food hell averted."


legallygreen January 5 2011, 22:38:52 UTC
"The Gods have been appeased, and all is right in the world." She replied, smiling as Linkara sat down next to her. He was a nice guy, and she thought even more of him as he had set this all up. It also kept her from having to go to bed and have those nightmares again. The ones where Nicodemus was breaking into the church and help had never arrived. She relized the smile had faded from her face.

"Thanks. This was a great idea." Jennifer added, smiling again.


iamaman_punch January 7 2011, 23:06:13 UTC
"Oh, good," he replied easily, noticing the Nightmare Look - because that was the look everyone got when they started talking about the nightmares, so he might as well give it a name - appeared on her face. He continued on like he hadn't seen it. "Can't vouch for you, but I don't exactly want angry snack gods interrupting the movie.

"Plus," he added, "watching Star Wars fixes everything. Proven scientific fact."


legallygreen January 7 2011, 23:14:02 UTC
"And I don't feel like saving everyone from the angry god of snack. Just not in the mood to pick fights with fictional deities that watch over the realm of movie appropriate junk food. Besides, it'll ruin my sweater." Jennifer teased, pushing an auburn curl out of her face.

"You're right, I think I read about that in the Harvard Medical Journal not three months ago. Star Wars Therapy, right?"


iamaman_punch January 18 2011, 06:54:47 UTC
"Which would be worse than the snack god itself," Linkara replied, nodding sagely. He wasn't usually one for jokes about clothes, but nothing around here was usual. Might as well go for it.

"Right. Not to be confused with Star Wars Torture, which uses episodes I-III."


legallygreen January 20 2011, 00:59:30 UTC
"I admit to not seeing those things. Call it irrational hatred, but that guy who plays Anakin Skywalker just seems like he's horrible. I had better things to do, like let Doom punch me in the face for about three hours." She replied, lifting a curious eyebrow.

"Plus I think we all knew what happened. Why we needed three more agonizing movies to drive the point home was beyond me."


iamaman_punch January 24 2011, 00:00:27 UTC
"That sounds like the less painful alternative." The first three episodes had made Linkara even happier that he was a Trekkie - sure, his franchise of choice also boasted some less than stellar movies, but Episodes I-III were a whole other ball of wax.

"Because Lucas needed something else to do and another Christmas special was out of the question."


Re: Before the Movie burnoutthenight January 5 2011, 15:46:55 UTC
Popcorn, very much check. After all, what else was fire magic for if not making popcorn a whole lot more convenient?

Other than that, he more or less looked like he would have any other day. He didn't sleep in his coat, for fairly obvious reasons, but he'd thrown it on because it was something to wear. That and it was, to be honest, pretty much an established habit to be wearing it.

He wasn't alone either. After some consideration, he'd decided he might as well drag Isa along for the ride. No doubt Isa's sleep would be just as troubled as his own and hey, who could turn down a (presumably) good movie?


Re: Before the Movie before_the_moon January 5 2011, 19:20:16 UTC
Isa, on the other hand, did sort of look like he had just been dragged out of bed, mostly because he, y'know, had been. The fact that he hadn't actually bothered changing out of his pjs didn't really help the matter.

True, his dreams hadn't been good the past couple of days, but it was more on the unnerving side, but nothing quite so troubling that he wanted to avoid sleeping all together.

But, Lea wanted him to see the movie with him, so Isa may as well.


Re: Before the Movie burnoutthenight January 6 2011, 00:48:01 UTC
Just as well that they weren't really. It meant that Axel wouldn't have to explain his own dreams quite as immediately, which in turn meant that he could keep the fact that he wasn't really in Saïx's good graces a secret for just a bit longer.

Besides, dragging Isa around was... normal, and thus more than a little bit comforting, as he dropped himself rather bonelessly in one of the chairs.


before_the_moon January 10 2011, 19:08:10 UTC
Far be it from Isa to deny Lea the comfort of normality. Or something like normality, at least. Isa would be hard pressed to actually call anything in this city 'normal.'

Comforting or not, that didn't change the fact that Lea had dragged Isa out of bed for... what, exactly?

"Lea, remind me again why you dragged me down here?"


burnoutthenight January 10 2011, 22:39:05 UTC
"Movie watching," Axel answered without missing a beat. "Or do you think the popcorn's just for show?"

Or for that matter, the TV and the small collection of somewhat sleep-deprived people already starting to gather.

"It'll be fun."


falseswordsgirl January 7 2011, 19:36:44 UTC
Yue walked into the room dressed for the outdoors. Unlike most of the folks here she didn't live in the Blackstone. She'd taken some time to arrive, gather snacks for herself. She had drinks, but a movie needed candy too. It just wasn't right without it, even if she couldn't find any sweets from home.

She had hung her bag of snacks from the end of her broom while flying, so when she put her broom and coat in the corner she made sure to collect up her bag first, then glanced around the room.

It was certainly better than another of those nightmares.


iamaman_punch January 8 2011, 04:31:34 UTC
Well, look who'd showed up. Linkara couldn't help but smirk a bit. Looked like the idea of Star Wars was appealing, all cracks about his taste in movies (and, evidently, in nightmares) aside. He approached her, hands nonchalantly in his pockets. "It's Episode IV, I promise."


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