Jan 20, 2009 09:20
I am not feel ing my self. I won der what is cau sing this un us u al glee in side.
I am ver y hap py to have the cult with me.
I am thank ful to the Doc Tor for re cre ate ing Da Lek friend ly looms.
We Shall Have Young Once A Gain.
Nov 11, 2008 09:14
The Doc Tor has been kind enough to let us travel with him these many months, and it really is quite enjoyable. He has promised me today that he would give Jast some information on building Looms so that he may adjust the project to our species that we may have our own younglings again.
Younglings that will live. This is a happy day.
Oct 02, 2008 09:25
In the interest of giving fair warning - the negotiations with the DocTor went well. Prepare yourselves for dealing with my hyperactive Lifemate.
Sep 16, 2008 13:01
Is this primitive networking device connected?