Some fic suggestions...

Oct 12, 2012 01:21

I have a list here of Fullmetal Alchemist fanfics that I would highly reccomend reading. I consider them the best of the best ( Read more... )

fan fiction, fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood, general talk, personal talk, fullmetal alchemist

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Comments 1

moon6shadow January 18 2015, 05:04:02 UTC
Got to agree with Training Edward Elric, it's an amazing story but you forgot to mention it's incomplete and also currently it's on an unofficial hiatus, mores the pity. Although I'd still highly recommend it particularly for those who like emotion even if it's not for the faint of heart. :) Anyone is welcome to come join me in wishing the author would come back and finish it. XD :)

Thanks for all the other suggestions as well, Seaweed_fma. :)


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