I have a list here of Fullmetal Alchemist fanfics that I would highly reccomend reading. I consider them the best of the best.
They are multi-chapter fics They range in length from a few chapters to over 50, so there is something here for all tastes (and attention spans).
Just a warning, most of the pairings here are Yaoi, some are adult.
It's actually funny, because even though the first fic I wrote was Roy x Ed, it has never been a favorite pairing. I wrote it because I was new to writing fanfics and it was the easiest to start with. But there are three Roy x Ed fics that I adore here.
Some Other Beginning-
mjules- Awesome Roy x Al fic from mangaverse, but AU-Al has his body back. Roy is hurt physically and mentally, and Al helps him heal.
http://www.livejournal.com/tools/memories.bml?user=whiskeycoffee&keyword=Some+Other+Beginning&filter=all Mother Arc-
impishclawmarks- Roy x Ed. It's AU after Ep. 51. Ed didn't go through the gate. Roy has his rank. Everything was good, until Roy's mother visits.
http://www.livejournal.com/tools/memories.bml?user=impishclawmarks&keyword=Mother+Arc&filter=all Training Edward Elric-
zakai_- Roy x Ed. Edward agrees to some unorthodox training from Roy Mustang. Totally AU. Not for the faint of heart. Well written!
http://www.livejournal.com/tools/memories.bml?user=zakai_&keyword=Training+Edward+Elric&filter=all Closer-
rainjoyous- Roy x Ed. This story is the most cannon Ed and Roy fanfic that I have ever read. It takes place in the anime-verse. It has spoilers. Ed and Roy find themselves both loving and hating each other.
http://www.livejournal.com/tools/memories.bml?user=rainjoyous&keyword=Fanfic+%5E%5E%3B&filter=all Boys Blue-
mjules- Roy x Maes. Ah, the academy fic. God, I love them. It's a story of young love, and all the good and bad that comes of it. One of my favorites.
http://www.livejournal.com/tools/memories.bml?user=fma_ot4&keyword=Boy+Blues&filter=all You've Got a Long Way to Go-
austere_flare- Roy x Riza. It starts when they are kids. It explains their relationship, how they met, and their reasons for their goals and ambitions.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3640514/1/ Shades of Grey-
cornerofmadness- Roy x Riza. This is the best Roy backstory ever. It starts with Roy as a child. It shows why Roy does what he does later in life. It's manga based and has spoilers. This is a REALLY good story.
http://cornerofmadness.livejournal.com/tag/hour+of+separation Jean Havoc: A Work in Progress-
havocmangawip- Havoc x Scieszka. There are not enough things that I can say that would do it justice. I love it like an Italian loves pizza (and I am Italian, so I can say that). It's a Ch. 38+ manga fic. It roxxors my soxxors. YOU MUST READ IT. I COMMAND IT!
http://havocmangawip.livejournal.com/11079.html Save Me-
sevlow- Roy, Ed, Maes (no pairing). Anime-verse and AU. Roy took soliders to Liore. They were captured and tortured. He was rescued, but he is battered and broken- mentally and physically. Can his friend bring him back from the brink?
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3790771/1/Save_Me Mirrors of Yesterday-
zakai_- Eventual Roy x Ed. Ed comes back through the gate and is now older than Roy. He learns interesting things about Roy.. and about himself.
http://www.livejournal.com/tools/memories.bml?user=zakai_&keyword=Mirrors+of+Yesterday&filter=all The Source of Sorrow-
cornerofmadness- Eventual Roy x Riza. After the end of the anime, Roy and Riza drift apart. Will they ever be with the ones that they truly love?
http://cornerofmadness.livejournal.com/591436.html Sorrow's Dark Array-
cornerofmadness- Eventual Roy x Riza. A followup to The Source of Sorrow. Riza has retired from the military to be Roy's bodyguard. and they are about to get a very strange visitor.
http://community.livejournal.com/fma_het/277851.html Strands of Nightmares-
cornerofmadness- Roy x Riza, Ed x Winry, others. After Bradley dies, Amestris is unstable, and Roy and Riza are about to pay dearly. How will the rest of them cope with the loss?
http://cornerofmadness.livejournal.com/450561.html If Happiness Forgets You-
cornerofmadness- Roy x Riza x Maes x Gracia, maybe others. Roy is travelling and finds someone who looks very much like his long since dead best friend and lover.
http://cornerofmadness.livejournal.com/343779.html Petals Fall Like Tears-
cornerofmadness- Roy x Riza x Maes x Gracia and many others. A sequel to If Happiness Forgets You.