; I realise I like semicolons a lot. I think it looks cool. (What an interesting way to start a post, hope you laughed! :D)
; OM IN 5 NO 4 WEEKS. ISIT. NOOOOOO ): BUT TIS OKAY. WE WILL GET THERE. March hols are so unfree but it's okay, end at 5! So ngui are we going to crash icampppp
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; Church this week was so awesome (: Corp prayer was good, Dawn came for cell! Didn't go for service ): but sundays make my week manzxc (: I LOVE MY N1S! and then went for service, Ps Jenn's so cool HAHA. MAO MAOOOOO. Formal-ing whooooo
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(: I love school! Teachers are so funny and my classmates are awesome! (: besides the homework maybe but it's fun sometimes! Only PTs ): Today in PE we did Beep Test bleugh. I'm so unfit >< Aesthetics tomorrow yayy but I realise, I'd rather paint than do claywork pshhh painting funner! And I get to miandui colours all the time, how nice (: HAHA
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:D went to the library AND Elsie Departmental (otherwise known as the All-Purpose Craft Store In AMK to everyone in the family cause I like to go there (: when I need felt/yarn/anything crafty.) and managed to get new books and new yarn! ♥