each happy ending's a brand new beginning;

Dec 17, 2009 19:07

:D went to the library AND Elsie Departmental (otherwise known as the All-Purpose Craft Store In AMK to everyone in the family cause I like to go there (: when I need felt/yarn/anything crafty.) and managed to get new books and new yarn! ♥

Library Trip
was awesome, I finally got the next three books of Septimus Heap! (meantioned in my previous post.) Yup I can finally find out what happens HAHA. I also got the Dreamhunter Duet by Elizabeth Knox, which I saw on my previous Queenstown Library trip and which looked interesting. (It's also really confusing because the first book, Dreamhunter, has two titles. The other being The Rainbow Opera). Yup, and because I had one more slot on my card and they didn't have the first Pendragon book I decided to borrow this craft book about sewing projects around the house that I saw on a New Arrivals table.

Craft Store trip
was also really good, if pre-planned. I was just aiming at restocking yarn and getting more green needed for an Urgent Project, but then got sidetracked by the new variations of colours that they had. Of course, there WERE bad sides to the trip, such as finding out some colours weren't sold any more D: so I bought some new colours and had to compromise with another variation. (This also results in orange instead of green :/). Sadness. I think I have learnt a lesson (which isn't necessarily good) from this: When buying new colours or just colours that they happen to have on the day, buy more than a ball in case you run out, except that is not very possible ):

I think I will edit this post tomorrow when the camera comes back and I can take pictures of my new yarn stash cause it actually makes a rather pretty rainbow (: I WANT THE CAMERA NAOOO. I think I will be quite sad when I have to un-inhabit my sis' room and her com too, I like her com HAHA. No actually, I just like the fact that my iPod syncs with her com and all the songs are on her com too, like my GLEE SONGS!! (@onelastparade: You can download the Glee songs from here (Volume 1) and here (Volume 2). They're really good (: )

Yep so till then,
tabi the camera-deprived tabby ><

yarn, glee, crochet, music, books

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