Title: A Guy Can Dream
the-wigginsEra/season/setting: season 6
Rating: M
Author's note: I've been working on an original (well, Norse-mythology inspired) novel. So I haven't had much time for fanfic. This weird little story is what happens when I try to shift gears, I guess
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Comments 7
“Oh, bugger,” Spike cursed as the fantasy dried up, crumbling into something like the gray dust that littered the crypt floor. Sodding pathetic. He was no dragon killer and Buffy was no valkyrie.
Are you sure, Spike? I mean, she's having a tough time, but she's still a superhuman warrior woman. And you, Spike, have been known to face some ferocious beasties - with not much observable fear - and win. It seems like if you were both honest with each other (which might take some adjustment) you wouldn't end up in the same flaming boat as your fantasy lovers.
Anyway, I loved this, and would be happy to read more in this vein.
I think it's very probable that Spike would get derailed by what she'd say. They're not exactly talking buddies anymore than they're cuddling buddies right now.
Very nice S6 mood.
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