Under the Influence of Thanksgiving (and Vengeance Demons) - Just Like Old Times, Chapter 1

Nov 24, 2016 22:41

I’d like to apologize for not reviewing anything yet this round.  I decided to hide from the world after the election-that-shall-not-be-named because I’m entirely too sensitive.  Sad.  But!  I told myself I would contribute this year to Seasonal Spuffy and I really didn’t want to break that promise to myself. Again.  I actually wrote the first ( Read more... )

era: btvs s4, form: fic, rating: other, genre: holiday, creator: kittyfajitas

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Comments 6

slaymesoftly November 25 2016, 15:01:19 UTC
LOL - Dru as a vengeance demon! Oh the possibilities. :)


thenewbuzwuzz November 25 2016, 20:23:11 UTC
"If wishes were fishes we'd all be drunk." I don't know what she means, but it sounds awesome!
Vivisection or disection, heh. :)
It's true! Buffy's experience does NOT support Occam's Razor...
I wonder what Dru did to Angel. Clearly, it was creative.


rahirah December 5 2016, 04:31:01 UTC
Oh, dear, Drusilla as a vengeance demon is a terrible thing to contemplate!


abelina December 10 2016, 20:18:38 UTC
(I will return and read and leave a proper comment)

(If you have tumblr, let me know your URL so that I can mention and tag you in the link post to this entry, thank you.)


relurker December 27 2016, 12:58:10 UTC
Great beginning! Dru as an elevated demon is fantastic, you have her voice just right, can't wait to read the rest.
If you wonder why I'm reading this only now, it's because with the election the world has gone so strange and I felt out of it.
But this community is my favorite, and life goes on, and comments to lovely writers are due!


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