Under the Influence of Thanksgiving (and Vengeance Demons) - Just Like Old Times, Chapter 1

Nov 24, 2016 22:41

I’d like to apologize for not reviewing anything yet this round.  I decided to hide from the world after the election-that-shall-not-be-named because I’m entirely too sensitive.  Sad.  But!  I told myself I would contribute this year to Seasonal Spuffy and I really didn’t want to break that promise to myself. Again.  I actually wrote the first ( Read more... )

era: btvs s4, form: fic, rating: other, genre: holiday, creator: kittyfajitas

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Comments 6

double_dutchess January 6 2017, 01:17:34 UTC
And you can't just appropriate all words that begin with a W!

Ha ha, I love Buffy's indignation! But future!Buffy and future!Spike were lucky that at least they ended up together; it could have been much worse.


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