Moving Target

Dec 04, 2006 20:37

Yes, it is disgraceful the way I have neglected this poor story. I'm in danger of losing my Rogue Squadron Fangirl card. But here's some more Tycho-torture at last.

Moving Target

Chapter 17 )

tycho, sw fanfic

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Comments 12

prophetkristy December 5 2006, 03:54:26 UTC
EEEeeeeEEE! Yay! if only I didn't have so much darned work to do, and a fellowship application to write in the scant spare time I have. Pout. I WILL read this over Christmas break, if nothing else. Oh, yes. It will be mine.


sea_wren December 7 2006, 04:30:44 UTC
:) Thanks!


(The comment has been removed)

sea_wren December 7 2006, 04:31:37 UTC
He's too modest-- of course the guys remember him. And are awfully worried...

So glad you liked!


cometjantshira December 7 2006, 22:50:40 UTC
Yay, new post! My day is made ^^ As good (and tense) as ever, but I especially loved this

This thing's falling apart faster than an Omwati-built speeder.

for... obvious reasons. Also the bits with Wedge and Janson - who will no doubt be even more insufferable when he finds out that his is the only name Tycho remembered.

I think I'll have to go back to Chapter 1 and re-read at some point this Christmas...


sea_wren December 9 2006, 00:28:14 UTC
Hee! I couldn't resist a chance for some Qwi-bashing!

I figure so many people have had occasion to bellow "WES!" or "JANSON!" after one of his pranks that the name kind of resonates in the ol' memory banks < g >


THANK YOU!!! anonymous January 1 2007, 20:33:44 UTC
Thanks for not forgetting about poor Tycho. I had to go back & re-read from the beginning & let me just saw WOW! I forgot how great this story was!

Please don't keep us hanging!

Banshee (Gwen)


Re: THANK YOU!!! sea_wren January 2 2007, 01:42:25 UTC
I'm glad you're still reading & enjoying. Thanks for the feedback! I promise not to neglect poor Tycho so long again!


anonymous January 21 2007, 01:35:22 UTC
Oh, I am so glad I found this! I used to sort of lurk on the long-defunct WEB site and read this story there originally. Then the site went down and I lost access to a lot of really good pilot fic. Then one day not so long ago,this story popped into my head and I decided to see if I could find it somewhere else on the 'net. Took me three nights of searching after work since I couldn't even remember the title at the time, but I found it. I can't tell you how happy I was to run across this, and then to discover that a lot more had been added to it! I literally got up and danced around my room, then sat down and read the entire thing in one night. Moving Target was one of my all-time favorite fics back then, and it's just gotten better with each chapter ( ... )


sea_wren January 21 2007, 03:12:08 UTC

And thank you for your kind comments-- I'm overwhelmed. It just means so much to hear from readers. I've tried hard to keep Mary Sue-ism at bay, to get into the mind of a traumatized male starfighter pilot-- not an easy job when one is a timid, round, housewife/library peon in real life! I am so glad you found the story worthwhile.

I remember the WEB fondly & miss it still; I loved having a center for pilot-fic.


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