Fanvid love meme!

Dec 02, 2009 07:46

Fanvid Love Meme!

Totally, shamelessly stolen from toast_ofthetown. Vidders can ALWAYS use some extra love. Especially those of us currently wrestling with festivids. Heh.

Instructions/Rules- Comment with your username and the fandoms you vid for (or a selection you've vidded the most for, if you're all over the place ( Read more... )


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Comments 1108

SabaceanBabe sabaceanbabe December 2 2009, 17:16:13 UTC
I vid BSG, TSCC, True Blood, and a smattering of other fandoms. You can find my vids here.


Re: SabaceanBabe beccatoria December 2 2009, 19:51:56 UTC
I think my favourite vid from you is A Tale of Temptation, but Pocketful of Consequence is right up there. I think you have a real knack for picking great songs too (I know you didn't for Tale of Temptation, but I wasn't specifically referring to that one).

I don't know what I think you should vid next! That Kendra vid I know about and probably shouldn't! :D Honestly I think you have so much on your vidding plate right now you probably don't need any more projects. I admire your productivity! O_O


Re: SabaceanBabe sabaceanbabe December 2 2009, 21:12:53 UTC
Thank you. *squish*

I actually did some more work on the Kendra vid over the past few days, so the first draft is about 80% done now. Of course, I should be working on my Festivids vid... *kicks brain*


Re: SabaceanBabe mfirefly10 December 2 2009, 21:11:58 UTC
For me, it's a toss-up between Clocks, Closer, and the infamous Chasing Cars. All three are wonderful and they're all very unique. I think you've mastered the Helo/Athena relationship and I wouldn't mind seeing a few more Kara/Sam vids from you :D!


daybreak777 December 2 2009, 17:20:22 UTC
Ooh, this is scary but I need good Festivid mojo. Here are my vids. Fandoms: BSG, Damages, and TWW.


ferdalump December 2 2009, 17:31:28 UTC
I love seeing you amidst any vidding conversation. You always bring so much insight and such positivity that it is truly refreshing. I love how it seems vidding has brought you a bit out of your shell, and I appreciate the way you always seem to view things with a positive spin.

Vidding is a better fandom with you in it! :D

I really need to committ to sitting down and watching more of your vids. Oh how I wish we were in the same fandoms...


daybreak777 December 2 2009, 17:39:49 UTC
Aww, thank you!

I do wish we shared fandoms too! Though when I get better at vidding maybe I'll be as ace as you at simply creating a fandom, like your Brois world. You know I totally ship them due to your vids, right? I keep waiting for the next Brois episode in your journal. It's like a new show!


counteragent December 2 2009, 19:16:39 UTC
I second ferd! <3, especially about the part about needing to sit down and watch more of your vids.


here's luck heresluck December 2 2009, 17:21:55 UTC
I've vidded Buffy, Firefly, due South, Heroes, and assorted small fandoms.

...and I just realized that it's been six years since I vidded Buffy. Whoa. Weird.

Vid announcement tag
Streaming at


Re: here's luck such_heights December 2 2009, 17:33:12 UTC
People Get Ready is one of the best vids I've ever seen - I love the motion, the clip choices, the slow, inevitable build. It has a special place in my heart because it reminds me of all the things I fell utterly in love with in S1 of Heroes.


Re: here's luck sdwolfpup December 2 2009, 17:35:31 UTC
Okay, this may seem kind of over the top, but I mean every word of it. You are the vidder I have always wanted to be, and when I realized how similar our methods were, it made me flail ridiculously because it was like there was hope I could make vids like you some day. I just...I can't tell you how much I fangirl you as a vidder and a person. I respect you so much - becoming friends with you has been one of the highlights of my fannish experience ( ... )


Re: here's luck gigglemonster December 2 2009, 18:16:22 UTC
I think my favorite will always be "In the Mirror".
It's such an amazing, sweet, heart-felt summary of that character. So lovely :)


deirdre_c December 2 2009, 17:28:35 UTC
I'd like to play!

My Supernatural Vids are here.


giandujakiss December 2 2009, 17:42:08 UTC
You are the absolute master of hilarious crack. And I'm very picky about humor in vids - I often find that humorous vids are not to my taste. But your vids are so damn smart and clever - and you also have a real knack for pairing gorgeous images together, like in your Kim Manners tribute.


antarshakes December 2 2009, 17:52:32 UTC
yes, you are absolutely one of my fav vidders.
Awesome song choices, hilarious subtle humor thrown in and beautiful imagery

I think my all time fav vid is : SPN in my Pants. I love The Lonely Island, but you made the love epic by mixing supernatural in to the vid.
I fucking love the Fit But You Know It vid too


adelheide December 2 2009, 17:55:07 UTC
You are the Vid Goddess!


sdwolfpup December 2 2009, 17:36:31 UTC
Sweeeeeeeeeeeet. Between that and the entire Farscape series, Amazon has shown it's secret fannish identity!


redina December 3 2009, 00:15:17 UTC
I remember paying... oh gawd, I think I paid $500+ for recorded VHS copies of the entire series (whatever generation recording from on-air channels)... Yeah, it was something ridiculous like that and I never got around to watching the entire series. I just wrote that off as stupidity at its finest, but I also got a $600 flight voucher for free that year from a delayed flight after a fandom convention... Kinda evened things a bit.

Favorite H:LOTS vid is Pure, which periodically makes appearances at VividCon.


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