Welcome to IJVP Day 6! I made it! Heh.
The sixth vidlet was suggested by
suenix, it's a BSG vid to Tom McRae's, "For the Restless."
For those of you who are just here for the vids - please right-click and 'Save Target As.'
Restless (19 MB DivX AVI) Please let me know if you're unable to play the vidlet.
So for the restless
Not the peaceful sleeper
This song's for you
And for the faithless
Not the true believer
This song's for you
For the restless
Not the peaceful sleeper
This song's for you
It's for you
It's for you
It's for you
It's just for you
My Thoughts; What Works; What Doesn't
Today's big lesson is mood. My mission statement for this vid was "everyone going crazy, but not in the fun way." While I'm not sure the crazy actually came through, I think this vid managed to get everyone's desperation during "33." All of the source is from that episode and I wanted to evoke the feeling of being in that situation - how scary and intense and disorienting it would be. How time keeps banging you over the head because you have so little of it. I think some things worked incredibly well in this vid: the black & white to color (and then back to black & white at the end) to signify we were sort of stuck in this moment; the jumpcuts on Dee in the memorial hallway; all of the clock shots. Some things, not so much: most of the blurs, really.
I'm actually surprised at how much I like this vid, considering I had very little written down about it to start with. It helps that it came all from one episode, of course. I also found the song very easy to cut and I'm probably most happy with how this one turned out, so that helps, too.
What I Learned
Mood can be accomplished through cutting (like Dee in the hallway and the intercuts between the clocks and the restless people); clip choice (some of the faces); and special effects (the additive dissolve from the clock face to Lee; the last slow fade out of the still clock shot). I played with a couple of different effects this time. Desaturate for the b&w clips and HSL balance to up the saturation on the beginning and ending color clock shots. Zoom blur on Roslin. Stop motion blur on the pictures in the hallway. Keyframed fisheye on Baltar. Keyframed wind blur on Kara. The previously mentioned additive dissolve. A combination matrix wipe & mask shape for the credits. There is a blue flash that is not supposed to be there, but I would have to export all of the clips to avi and then lay them back in the timeline again and I just don't have time. It's something in the way my computer handles .vob files, that if I have too many from one source in a single vid, it freaks out. Hopefully I can re-master this one sometime post-IJVP.