IJVP - Day 6!

Jan 13, 2006 09:43

So it appears that yesterday's tech issues were due to the source, thankfully. Whew!

Today's vidlet was suggested by asta77, it's a Horatio Hornblower vid to Bobby Darin's "More."

For those of you who are just here for the vids - please right-click and 'Save Target As.' The file is DivX AVI. ETA: If it's not one thing...looks like my website is having issues. I'll upload to YSI until things get resolved. Will edit with the new link.

EATA: New link is up. Get it from YSI here. And here is another YSI link in case the first runs out.

EOATA: Hey, looks like the website is working again, so use the below link. :) I'll leave the YSI links up in case anyone wants to use those instead.

More (17 MB)

Please let me know if you're unable to play the vidlet.

More than you'll ever know
my arms long to hold you so
my life will be in your keeping
waking, sleeping, laughing, weeping

Longer than always is a long, long, long time
but far beyond forever, you'll be mine
I know I never lived before
And my heart is very sure
no one else could love you more

My Thoughts; What Works; What Doesn't
Yeah. There is no way you guys will find this vid as funny as I do, because I'm not even exactly sure why it makes me laugh. I am not too proud to admit that I kept cracking myself up as I made this vidlet, and it's definitely been one of the fastest minutes I've ever vidded. I was up early this morning anyway so I decided I'd give finishing today's vidlet a try (because I'm nothing if not stubborn about meeting ultimately pointless challenges!).

I didn't do much fancy on this vid, just the fireworks mostly, which I personally love. I drew the first boat picture in OmniGraffle, which is apparently Mac's version of Visio. I think it's cute and sets up the feel of the vid well, although it does admittedly copycat Seah & Margie's "Big Red Boat" titlecard, which actually wasn't my intent when I started it. I wanted the vid to have more of a swinging feel, I'm hoping some of the quick cuts and pans help achieve that. I also really wanted to work with reaction shots in this vid, using them for humor and to make some meta points. I'm curious how those elements will come out to others.

I think a few of the cuts didn't work as well as I'd hoped, and the first music change was a nightmare; I never did get it how I wanted in the audio (on that first "more"). The end doesn't look the way I envisioned it, either, unfortunately. I'm on the fence about the color-changing clip; part of me is really amused by it (it's a rainbow!), part of me just finds it unacceptably cheesy. But the vid is kind of cheesy so that might work anyway. I also am not sure about the spotlight effect at the very beginning (right after the "introducing" clip). It was supposed to be like a stage spotlight on the two guys, but I don't think it worked very well. They're stripping! It's funny!

It made me laugh. :P

Archie/Horatio = OTP!!! For reals, you guys.

What I Learned
I learned about OmniGraffle, which was an unexpected bonus. I keyframed three separate Lens Filters, each set to Starburst, for the fireworks. For the yellow and blue ones, I used the offset function as well to get the multiple bursts in one area. For the color changing, I cut up the clip into sections and then put a tint filter on each one at 50%. The text over the clips is just using the text generator and changing the positioning.

Now I shall have this song in my head all day. *swing-dances in chair*

We get Oliver these little sparkly puffball toys to play with and he loves them more than anything ever, including food. However, he keeps losing them and we can't find them. We've already gone through six, you'd think we'd have stumbled on at least *one*. The house is not that big. And we can't afford to keep him in puffballs at this rate! They don't grow on trees! Silly kitten. Who goes in to get neutered in two weeks. Heh.

vid post, ijvp 2006, oliver, vidding

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