Broke our mirrors 17/17

Dec 23, 2010 23:09

Title: Broke our mirrors 17/17

Author: scyllaya

Rating: PG

Character(s)/Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel/Gabriel, and every variation of it.

Warning(s): light kissing (male/male), mentions of sex, some fluff (do I need a warning for that?)

Spoiler(s):  AU (characters up to S6)

Word Count: 42 206 (for the entire story)

Summary: Dean and Castiel were neighbors since they were five years old. They went to the same schools and even spent much of their free time together. And if anyone asked who their best friend was, they both answered immediately that it’s Gabriel.

Disclaimer: Nearly all names and characters in this story belong to CW/WB and Kripke. I’m making no profit whatsoever. It’s just for fun! Please don’t sue me!

Most places and establishments in the story are real, but I’ve never visited either of them, so I have no true knowledge about them. People (OCs) in the story are not real! Any resemblance to real life is just a coincidence. Or I’m psychic. 50-50.

Beta: The Obi-Wan to my Skywalker in this OT3! The one and only heavenreturned

Title is from Nirvana - Lithium.

A/N:  Warnings and ratings are sorted by chapter.
Russian help: teufel_himmel

Click here for: Chapter One

Enjoy! ^_^

Chapter Seventeen

It was already the end of summer and Dean was both excited and worried. It was safe to say that so far this was the best summer of his life, okay he was only eighteen, but still. He finally got the Impala from his Dad, like promised. It was now his car and he couldn’t be happier about it. He didn’t need to work during the summer, so everything was just, well perfect. But he was scared of the change that was coming.

It will be strange since every hour of his day will change, from waking up to going to sleep. He won’t be waking up in his own or Cas’ bed. And certainly not with either or both with him and Gabriel under the sheets. He won’t be able to go to his usual morning run with Cas, well he definitely will run with others, but it won’t be the same. And even working out won’t be the same without him. Dean could keep his attention on a task sure, but Castiel’s intense single-minded focus on things like that was a good motivator. If Cas did 50 push-ups at a time Dean sure as hell could too and the same went to everything else. And no one would think just by looking at them, since Cas was slightly shorter and thinner too, but they were equally strong. Or so Dean liked to think, he wasn’t stupid enough to think he could win a one-on-one fight against him of course, since Dean was sure the guy could kill with his bare hands if he wanted to. To get himself in form so he could enroll in time he had to work hard, because sure he was playing lacrosse, but he still needed the extra stamina and Cas was the perfect partner for that since he had the very same goal.

So after all this time it was going to be strange not to have him around every day or that he was going to train and run and exercise with strangers. Gabriel was going to the campus in Denver, while both Cas and Dean will be in Colorado Springs. Not that it meant that they could see each other when they wanted, on the contrary. Neither Dean nor Cas would be able to leave their own campus in the first few weeks and even after that they will only have a few weekends to go home or to Denver. And Dean already hated the thought of not being able to be with them. He could never really got used to Gabriel’s absence in the first place, and never since the age of five was he separated from Cas for a long period of time. He was gearing up for it and he knew that this was what he wanted, but it was still going to be hard.

He wanted to enjoy the last days of summer they could spend together as much as possible and damn did they enjoy the whole of summer so far. He was more than happy to spend a lot of time in getting to know every inch of Gabriel. He loved the fact that yeah, he was able to turn him on ridiculously fast, but also had to accept that nearly most of the time it was Dean who ended up as a babbling, mumbling or screaming mess of want. He got pliant under Cas’ hands if they were in that kind of mood sure, but Gabriel was a whole new level. And he wasn’t actually surprised, because it was… Gabriel, simple as that. He was so eager to give to the person who was the beacon of his life since he arrived here. Like always he just wanted to be close to him, wanted him to look at him, smile at him, he wanted his attention and he never wanted to let go.

He never liked talking about emotions, because he never thought that words would be able to describe everything properly. So he didn’t talk about feelings, never with Cas and nor with Gabriel, but with them he knew he didn’t really have to. He also didn’t need to ask Cas to know how very attached to Gabriel he was. He just had to watch them and knew, no need for words.

He enjoyed the easy comfortable silence that fell. The Impala was parked down the spot where usually the Dodge was in Rock Park. The spot Gabriel told them years ago that he was leaving, where Cas punched some sense into his thick skull. It was also weird that he won’t see this place for a long while, nor the rock - Gabriel still insisted it looked like a cake - the park or the stars at the clear night summer sky of Castle Rock, not like this.

‘This is gonna suck’ he said and both Cas and Gabriel turned to look at him.’ I mean, we all gonna do what we want but man, I will barely see you.’

‘I think we’re going to be fine if we get through the first year’ Castiel said after some contemplation.

‘Of course we’re going to be fine’ Gabriel said looking at both of them like they were talking about the most ridiculous thing in the universe. ‘Stop worrying you two.’ And that was something coming from Mr. Pessimist himself. Dean was just glad seeing Gabriel carefree. ‘Our plates will be so full that time will just… slip away’ he even snapped his fingers at the end of the sentence as if showing how quickly time would pass.

‘Well your plate better not be full with hot med students and nurses’ Dean told him with an eyebrow lift. Castiel’s lip moved a little showing the first trace of smile on his face.

‘Hey! I’m not like that, why do you assume?’ before Dean could answer Cas interrupted.

‘Because you’ll be living at a university campus having parties while Dean and I will be in boot camp and basic training’ Dean thought it was a good point, even if it was only a tiny part of him that was actually worried, the rest was just jerking around.

‘I’m offended that you would even imply that’ Gabriel said and his face morphed into perfect mock-indignation. ‘I’m going to have to work my ass off if I want to keep my scholarship. My grandparent’s money won’t last forever y’know.’ Dean remembered how much he cursed said grandparents when he learnt that their money was what allowed Gabriel to take off and live on his own and attend university in freakin’ Denmark. He also hated Denmark very much and Europe in general during the first months after Gabriel moved away.

‘Speaking of’ spoke Cas as he got a keys out of his pocket and threw them at Gabriel. ‘Your car’ he explained. ‘I should’ve given it back to you already.’

‘You need it more Cas’ Gabriel argued. ‘You keep it.’ but Castiel just shook his head.

‘No need. My Grandpa Wasilij sent me a bunch of money for my eighteenth’s birthday, he told me to either buy a car or spend it on hookers.’ Dean felt as his eyebrows shoot up, Gabriel looked similar. ‘I decided on the car’ Cas added with the same serious tone he delivered the whole sentence with. A second later both Dean and Gabriel burst out laughing, while Cas just kept looking at them like he wasn’t sure exactly what the joke was but he liked to see them laugh even if he didn’t get it. It took some time for both of them to calm down, Dean wiped his eyes, damn the random freaky statements than came from Cas about his family never stopped being funny.

‘That the Grandpa who only speaks Russian and keeps calling you ‘Andrei’ and calls Jesse ‘Dmitri’?’ Dean asked, because he heard quite some stories about the old man. Cas just frowned.

‘Andrei is my middle name Dean, and Jesse’s is Dmitri, it is perfectly fine if he calls us like that’ Dean just grinned at him.

‘You’re family is so weird sometimes’ he told him.

‘Da zatknis' ty’ Cas replied and Dean still had no idea what that meant despite the fact that he heard it many times. So he just laughed.

‘Yeah, keep talking dirty’ he told him and pulled him closer by grabbing his chin to put a big kiss on his lips. It wasn’t long or deep, but it made Cas smile and Dean grinned at him too. When he looked away he found Gabriel much closer to where Dean and Cas were sitting on the hood of the Impala.

‘We’re going to be fine’ he said. ‘I mean… it’s us’ he added like it explained everything.

‘Meaning?’ asked Dean. Gabriel reached out and put his hand on the back of his neck like he always did, then he leaned closer to kiss him. It was not like the one Dean gave Cas seconds ago, it was gentle, but deep, Gabriel’s lips moving only a little against his own, but not deepening, it was almost innocent. Then Gabriel leaned back and let go of him. He kept eye-contact for a second before turning to Cas and kissing him, angling his head with a hand on his cheek. Gabriel never kissed only one of them if all three of them were there. If he kissed Dean he kissed Cas too and vice versa. The way he kissed Cas was just as innocent and Dean started to wonder what this was all about since even if Gabriel was caring and affectionate towards them he was not really into the sweet and innocent stuff. He let go of Cas lips and stayed there close to them.

‘It means’ he said. ‘That I love you both and I know you so I know that this will be a peace of cake.’

And Dean wanted to laugh how ridiculous it was that the tension and the nagging voice in the back of his mind both disappeared by the reassurance. It was silly, really and he also couldn’t help it.

‘Besides’ Gabriel continued in a much lighter tone. ‘What random guy or chick could possibly trump what we have?’ Then he smirked. ‘I think our current bedroom activities are phenomenal enough that it’s pretty impossible to beat.’

Dean had to chuckle at that and saw that Castiel was smiling too.

‘I love you too y’know’ he said next without thinking, without even thinking about saying it. And he felt as blood rushed to his face, oh c’mon it shouldn’t be this embarrassing. ‘Both of you.’

‘And I do too, very much’ said Cas like he was waiting for Dean to say it first, and maybe he was, they really needed to stop overcomplicating things. The silence that followed was once again comfortable, there was nothing more that needed to be said.

‘So’ Gabriel broke the silence after a while. ‘What about the big coming out you two were planning?’ he asked. And Dean wanted to groan, Cas looked just as uncomfortable. It was the one thing that didn’t stop being an issue all summer long. It was true, they planned to tell the truth to the whole family, all Turners and Winchesters involved, but it always got post-phoned.

‘Let me guess, canceled?’ Gabriel prompted. He told them early on that he will be there, he will also speak up, he will also tell the truth, but he also said that Dean and Castiel needed to make the first step, because no matter what it was their families foremost, their parents and siblings even if Gabriel naturally counted as a family-member in everyone’s opinion. Castiel made some frustrating noise to Dean’s right.

‘My mother’s whole family is Orthodox Catholic, not the bigot type at all, not by a long shot and my Mom lives here since she married my Dad, and I know that they’re open minded and easy going about most things, but what exactly should they think about me having two guys in my life? Even if it’s you two and not strangers… I just… I have no idea how to say… It’s…’

‘Yeah and my Dad’ interrupted Dean when it looked like Cas said what he really wanted. ‘Well… my Dad, you know him. I mean he was damn proud of me being team captain and doing sports and liking cars, going to the Academy… I think he has this whole image of me and I really have no idea how he would react if I just stood in front of him and told him… or what Sammy would say, the kid looks at me sometimes like I’m his personal hero or something, the big brother he looks up to, I don’t know what he would think either… so we just.’ And he was frustrated too about this. They talked about this with Cas and Gabe and he didn’t know if he was ready to take the jump into the unknown with this.

‘We just want to wait… we could tell later, when it’s really necessary’ Castiel continued. Gabriel looked at them, but he didn’t seem annoyed by their hesitance.

‘Necessary?’ he asked. ‘Like when we move in together or something?’ he asked. He already talked about that like a fact. Ever since they first started to talk about going to school and what they would do after Gabriel said that it was pretty obvious. It really was encouraging to see that Gabriel was sure that they all will be perfectly fine and still together even years later. He never said ‘if’ when they talked about that, it was always ‘when’, not a possibility but a matter of time.

‘Yes, around that time’ Castiel said.

‘Just, y’know lets cross that bridge when we… really have to.’ Dean added. Gabriel looked at them, then shrugged.

‘Like I said before, it’s not my choice, your decision. And I think I like being a dirty little secret’ he added with a leer, Dean could imagine what pictures might be running through his head right now. Dean managed to relax immediately after the light comment. Gabriel was not pushing it and Dean was really glad about that.

There was still that annoying voice that told him that they can fall apart, that maybe too much distance will change something, but the voice was dulled, his doubts fading. He wanted to believe that there was no way they will be separated just because they can’t spend every day with each other like they did before. Because really Gabriel was right. It can’t happen, because it was them. Simple as that.

Dean and Castiel were neighbors since they were five years old. They went to the same schools and even spent much of their free time together. And if anyone asked who their best friend was, they both answered immediately that it’s Gabriel.

And if they happened to be in the same room, they would smile at each other after saying it.

End of Story One of Trinity Verse


Trinity Verse II -  We walked a million hills >>


A/N: Okay so this is it. The final chapter of Trinity Verse I. (this is the name I decided on). Let me know what you think of it :)
Do you want me to continue the story? Because that's the plan but your entertainment is my main focus so let me know.

I will start Story II after a break, since I need to finish some school-stuff, plus the holidays are here, but if you want to read how the tale continues I will continue.

Translation: ‘Da zatknis' ty’ means 'Shut up'  XD

I wish you all a Merry Christmas. ^_^

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pairing: dean/castiel, fic: broke_our_mirrors, pairing: dean/castiel/gabriel, supernatural, fanfiction, pairing: dean/gabriel, au, pairing: castiel/gabriel, verse: trinity

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