HP/DH-less post...

Jul 22, 2007 21:04

So, while everyone waited in line to get their copy of Deathly Hallows, or was busy reading devouring it...

... I worked on my Supernatural story "The Day The World Went Away" and sent it off to inimicallyyours for a second round of betaing (hopefully this will turn out to be basically a spelling-and-grammar check...). I thought about posting this nearly-final ( Read more... )

fandom, fanfic, software, lj

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Comments 4

avendya July 22 2007, 21:04:22 UTC
If you're using Simple Open ID, I did a quick Google search, and I think it may be broken on the current version of Wordpress.

(Yeah, I also have a WordPress blog that can serve as an LJ.)


scribblesinink July 23 2007, 13:49:24 UTC
Oh thanks for that! I figured it might be a "version issue" but I haven't yet figured out how to Google properly for support with Wordpress plugins or php. I'm old-school HTML and totally new to databases/php/dynamic webdesign so am feeling my way around like a blind man :-)


avendya July 23 2007, 14:03:56 UTC
I'm not exactly the best resource in the world, but I'll try to help if you have any questions re. WordPress.

(Still can't find a working Livejournal comment login thingy.)


scribblesinink July 23 2007, 19:11:31 UTC
Oh, thank you! I'll remember that. Right now, I think my main problem is with conflicting php files within WP. And since I only read Chapter 1 of my PHP Programming for the Absolute Beginner... ;-) I think I'll have to delete the whole shebang and reinstall from scratch, I've been messing around with it so much already!

BTW, I'm not using (well, trying to use) Simple OpenID but WP OpenID Plus (which is one step up from WP OpenID, since it at least allows me to have the blog itself in a different directory than the WP program files...)

I suspect a long learning curve... :-)


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