HP/DH-less post...

Jul 22, 2007 21:04

So, while everyone waited in line to get their copy of Deathly Hallows, or was busy reading devouring it...

... I worked on my Supernatural story "The Day The World Went Away" and sent it off to inimicallyyours for a second round of betaing (hopefully this will turn out to be basically a spelling-and-grammar check...). I thought about posting this nearly-final draft over at mooncross_fic but figured that nobody was really interested right now, and I hope to have a 'published' version up soon anyway.

I also signed up for spn_remix ...

To give the muses a break, I spent quite a few hours this weekend trying to install WordPress and get a personal blog up and running. Since LJ has many features I love that don't come standard with WordPress, most of my time was eaten up by trying to install (and get to work) various plug-ins that allow for threaded comments and getting e-mail notifications. I seem to have most functions up and running, but am still figuring out how to get OpenId working (so you can use your LJ username instead of having to sign up to yet another site).

I haven't even started on customizing the look and feel of the blog, though. I suspect that this is going to be a long-term project. But that's all right, my paid LJ time isn't running out until March and I doubt they'll be banning me anytime soon, even with their latest obfuscated clarified clarification. I keep waiting for the HP ficcers to return from their reading binge and for the comments to those posts to go splooey...

How was your weekend? :-)

fandom, fanfic, software, lj

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