NPT Letter

Apr 26, 2015 14:27

Thank you sooo much for writing for me, and feel free to ignore any part of this letter that doesn't help you and just focus on a story that makes you happy.

General squicks, triggers, and loves by category.


I like deep characterization and backstory, family, deep platonic bonds, worldbuilding, chosen family, digging into a character's mental/emotional space, asexual romance, romance, established relationships, developing trust, character studies, identity exploration, character competence, fluff, angst, and situational humor.

Please don't write embarrassment, graphic violence or gore, body-related humor, betrayal/infidelity, tragedy/deathfic, horror, character or ideology bashing, PWP (with plot, more than fine), first person fic, on-screen uncensored profanity. I also have no problem with assassination but do have a problem with murder. I know. Fine line.


I like soulmates, soulmarks (not names), soulbonds, secret relationship, sharing a bed, domestic fic, holiday fic, arranged marriage, fake marriage, friends to lovers, rivals to lovers, AIs, accidental relationships, time travel with consequences, animal transformations/shapeshifter, brainwashing, amnesia. I like well thought out crossovers and the occasional fusion, canon-divergent AUs more than total AUs.

I tolerate coffee shop AU, school AU, reincarnation, historical AU.

Please don't write alternate gender norms, mind control, zombie, supernatural, daemons, post-apocalyptic, instalove.


I like bondage, breathplay, sensory deprivation, bloodplay, weapons play, delayed orgasm, some D/s, situational power dynamics type dub-con.

I tolerate pain play, dirty talk, oral, and cock rings/cages. Include if you must; omit if you can.

Please don't write scat, water sports, bodily fluids other than blood, lifestyle D/s, ageplay, mpreg, consent play, incest, underage, a/b/o, straight up dub-con.


Divergent Series

Relationships I seriously ship:

Andrew/Natalie - I tend to love well-done canonical ships and they had a healthy marriage and the kinds of strengths that complemented each other and knew so many things, and I'd love to see her arrival in the factions, then going to Abnegation and falling in love and how they got there or raising Tris and Caleb or dealing with losing their children to other factions as parents and spouses.

previous Andrew/Jeanine and all that might have gone into their friendship and falling out with the feelings of betrayal when Andrew began to hate Erudite and what went wrong

Will/Christina - AU all the way where Will lives or else her coping afterward or all the warm fuzzies hidden between the scenes in the first book or wild AU in another world altogether with his tough as cottonballs Christina who's too honest for her own good and too blunt and afraid of moths and wonderful and tough and strong anyway

Tris/Four - Is there anyone in this fandom that really doesn't ship them? Okay, they exist. What I really, really want? The slightly canon-divergent AU where she survives, but it's rough and there's therapy and the two of them end up being a big part of the city rebuilding and there is awesomesauce competence and disabled Tris and they love each other anyway and there's disabled sex and great friendships on the side and, and, and.

But alternatively, I'd love any good hard look at what makes them tick and work under the surface and why she's drawn to the guy that sees who she's trying to be instead of who she grew up trying to be and how he really sees her in light of memory and his own past. Please no all the way AUs for them.


Tori and her brother and her whole journey through the hard life she lived and chose and choosing to help Tris and keep divergents alive. Yes, please.

Peter and his wanting to forget and wanting to have a chance at not being bad or twisted and so much more of that psyche and the consequences of that decision.

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

Canon: Jane Carter is the most seriously underused character ever in fanfic. She's amazing and lovely and strong and she hit the first guy she liked and she just lost another and she went toe to toe with an assassin and won and I love her.

Then Brandt is this guy that feels rusty in the field because he's been out of that team environment and fieldwork for a long time, and his analysis seems to be really good and come almost without thinking about it, and he should be good at it because he's the chief analyst. I love how complex he is with being sensitive and hating heights but good enough at what he does to compartmentalize when he has to and to be very competent when he's not overthinking it.


I just want more that's about her and not about someone else. That could be her coming up as a field agent, previous missions, becoming team lead after Hannaway before they gave Hunt lead, working with the team after the movie and being a total BAMF, getting her own team after that. Can you tell I want to see her leading a team?

My favorite things about Carter are her strong personality where she's so sure of herself if she's just dealing with people and work to be done and making plans, but then she's so uncertain and hesitant where it involves letting people know she cares. I'd love to see that juxtaposition in a story, love to see her navigating professional and personal life and growing, maybe spread her wings while Ethan cheers her on from the sidelines? Or coming into the IMF. I love early agent/operative days stories in these kinds of fandoms.


I'd love to see something digging into more of what makes him tick, maybe see him coming up in the IMF. What gets someone like that who's so clearly uncomfortable with some of the craziness they do into work like that where he's good at it, but would rather be somewhere where not only he won't screw it all up (Croatia-aftermath), but also doesn't have to pull crazy stunts (like the jump)? This is inherent to the IMF and it makes me want to know how he pushed past that, why he pushed past that, and maybe some of the difference between pre- and post-Croatia Brandt.

I'd love to see more of his relationship with the Secretary or the learning curve from fieldwork to the analysis track or the transition back to some fieldwork and trusting a team. He used to lead a team. Does he bump back into them? Does he split his time between analysis and the field? I want sooo much more.

Fandom-Specific Please No: I don't mind shipping Carter/Brandt, Carter/Hunt, or Carter/Hannaway, but please none of the popular slash pairings. I just don't ship any of these guys together.

Agent Carter

I just desperately want more about Anna and her delightful, adorable relationship with Jarvis and how much he loves her. I'd rather not backstory actually, but current domestic fluff if at all possible and/or exploration of her Jewishness. Preferably and.

I am fascinated by Dottie and the Black Widows in general and would love to see her and Peggy as they continue in espionage as SHIELD is born and the Red Room comes of age and how they play cat and mouse or continue to bump into each other and intrigue or trying to find and track Dottie down and just their professional relationship in all the messy ways that can play out.

Fandom Specific Please Nos: Please no graphic violence, gore, or Peggy getting brainwashed.

Agents of SHIELD

Mack, Bobbi, Hartley, Hunter

These four characters, their history, backstory, meeting Lance on the mission Bobbi needed intel out of him then fell in love - Dubai peoples. The story behind the pendant, how Bobbi asked Hartley not Mack to give it to Hunter, what's the story there? I just want all the epic friendship and espionage and falling in love and the rollercoaster and how that affected the friends who clearly didn't choose or wish to (Hartley was in deep with Hunter and Bobbi both) and Mack loves both so much and just all the relationships here: friends, lovers, etc.

Star Trek: Voyager

What I really want to see is B'Elanna's academy days or trying to kill her spirit guide and the story there or Maquis backstory. I love her and Chakotay's relationship and how there's so much genuine caring there and would love to see more of that. Or when all the "turncoats" were in the ranks and those dynamics. Or when Chakotay asked whether Janeway would have worked with him had their ship roles been reversed and Starfleet had to integrate under the Maquis. Yes, I would love to see that role reversal.


So I ship Tess/Kyle hard as chosen siblings or as a romantic pairing and I just want to see some real closeness and domestic becoming/being family or finally getting that lamptrimming done with everything after Viva Las Vegas out the window please.

Or Liz and Tess coming to an understanding/good relationship. I love the two and they actually had a great conversation about the whole situation when Kyle pretended to sleep with Liz and I just want more of that kind of thing with them coming to terms and being practical girl-talkers together or managing Max or figuring out Liz's powers, etc.

fandom, letter, not prime time 2015, fiction prompts

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