Variation: Top AO3 Kudos

Apr 26, 2015 18:20

So because there's a difference between hits and kudos and I'm that sort of curious (hits especially can be rereads and are always more likely to be older fics than newer), my top 10 kudoed fics on AO3.

1. Tingo (Pascuense), (MCU: Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff) 167 kudos

Once again, as expected, but this time it's number one. It's funny and lighthearted and I had a ball writing it, so I'm glad it's so high up, even if I am occasionally surprised at how much attention it got.

2. Hypothetically, (MCU: Maria Hill/Bucky Barnes) 108 kudos

Written for tielan because she prompted the pairing and I said, why did I never think of this? Yes, please! and wrote it. It has followed a continuing trend that if beatrice_otter reads and likes and recs something of mine, suddenly the hits and kudos shoot up.

3. Call Me Phil, (MCU: cat!Phil Coulson) 101 kudos

Started life as a comment_fic thing, then got such responses in the comments, I decided to keep going. (Funny, that's how I got dragged into 200 chapters of Whispers too). I haven't updated in a bit, but I do think I want to write some more installments). Basically, Phil is reincarnated as a cat instead of Agents of SHIELD happening. Maria adopts him.

4. One More Day, (MCU: Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff) 94 kudos

One of my best fics ever, I think. This one struck a chord for me and for readers, judging by the comments. Written for the be_compromised promptathon (and an aside, but exchanges and comms really increase visibility/readership for me), the prompt basically went every day, Natasha decides again not to kill Clint. Well, being me, that immediately spoke to brainwashing and triggers and what would make her want or need to kill him in the first place.

5. 'Til Death Do Us Part, (MCU: Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff) 86 kudos

Natasha falls first, they share a soulbond, Natasha has history with Bucky, the Winter Soldier, and I blame it all on Trope Bingo. I was blown away initially by the response it got, then rolled with it and wrote two more installments: a prequel and a Clint-POV remix.

6. Taken, (MCU: Maria Hill + Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff) 82 kudos

Again with the necklace and Natasha and Maria being friends because they seriously are.

7. Learning Natasha (Again), (MCU: Natasha Romanoff) 80 kudos

The remix! This one is my most popular Natasha piece between all sites and the quality of the commentary, bookmarks, etc. It was a remix of an awesome fic by OracleGlass, and I tried to keep the Clint/Natasha readable as either platonic or romantic because that's how the original went really. I was seriously blown away by the reaction to this fic, though it still gratifies me and gives me warm fuzzies, because it's just really identity exploration and relationship building and bonding and working at socialness, which is something I can relate to but don't usually see as very popular compared to romance, missionfic, or smut.

8. Shall We Dance?, (MCU: Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff) 79 kudos

I just kind of decided that Natasha deliberately got on SHIELD's radar to get to Clint because my Trope Bingo card said reunion and I thought them, and I just kept writing. I was actually really happy about how this one turned out, if it does have that slightly off vibe my first works had before I fully got a handle on the pairing for myself.

9. Made and Meant, (MCU: Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff) 77 kudos

I'm not even going to ask how a fic I wrote this year got this highly kudoed that fast. I like this little Darcy tells the spysassins they belong together ficlet, but I never counted it among my best.

Stopping there because the next two tie and were on my top hits list. So there you have it. What AO3 readers say they love best of my fics.

fandom, ao3, stats

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