MM: Room 3 - Wright Brothers ("Surely you can't be serious!")

Jan 05, 2008 15:03

Well, we've saved the moocowgirl accused witch, Sarah, what's next on the agenda of Fred Savage Jr? Well, according to the last entry, snacks apparently. BUT AFTER THAT!
We venture on to the exhibit of that famous flying duo from North Carolina!, not The Ambiguously Gay Duo. Eesh, people. Minds, out of gutter. The Wright Brothers of course! More bad puns and some terrible - if not seemingly required - Airplane jokes from me!

Previous Episodes

Back: Room 2

Next: Room 4

Here we go again~ *sings*

Kid: MICK, have you ever been to a Turkish prison?
MICK: ...what?

Really?! I thought they were the museum janitors!

Well I do hear Ohio is lovely this time of year. >_> *koff*

LIFT! THRUST! CONTROL! Sounds like instructions for a work out video staring a guy with a head much too small for his insanely muscular body.

I love how everything has to specify how many problems there are.
Kid: duur there's four problems?
Kid: ...OH I GOT IT! ..five.
Wilbur: *facepalm*
MICK: *resists urge to beat senseless*

Kid: You have to the power of looooove... *sings*
Orville and Wilbur: *innnnnch away*

Clearly you are the bitchy brother.

So what, I'm your servant now? Geez, see if I ever offer a CyRep help again...

*shiftyeyes* *yoink!* Well he said to put it SOMEWHERE.

Uhh...their 'problem' looks an awful lot like a ripped up blueprint. What? Are you guys lacking TAPE or something?


You sure got a quirky definition of 'scrambled', dude.

Wilbur: THREE.
Kid: Uhtwo?
Wilbur: ...*murderous rage*

DUDE. A flying pasta machine would have been sweet! Neyyyyyyoooommpastapastapasta

Translation: You'll wander off while I do all the work after giving me a vague basis of what I'm supposed to be doing.

Haha, its those tools I pilfered. xP

And yet...the windows are closed. lgskihbagjbsgamelogicfail *twitch*

Like I didn't figure that out already myself, NagBot.


Here's a thought: WINDOW. OPEN. TRY IT SOME TIME. :F

That...analogy so does not work.

And of course you fail to mention anything about the WIND being a factor and kind of needing it.

heheh it looks like a bib...


Ahh fresh air.

I'm pretty sure your scrawny form would have just gotten blown over repeatedly. What's a city kid doing owning a wind surfer anyway?

So now we start fiddling with the wing shape. There really is no particular pattern to it, just keep clicking arrows until it goes up past the line.



*groan* Moving on...

Haha. Can you imagine if they'd gone with that name?
Man: I'm taking the motorkite to Canada this weekend for a buisness trip.
Woman: ...that just sounds so ridiculous.
Man: If you've got a problem with it, go back in time and complain to those flying brothers!
Woman: The Ambiguously Gay Duo?
Man: ...what?


Yay bitchy brother is back!

Well that's a helluva thing to forget...

...WHAT?! First off, how the hell did his father not kill him, secondly, HOW DID HE EVEN MANAGE THAT?! ...ohgod...I think my soul just died a little. Kid seriously says the most RANDOM shit.

Admittedly I cheated a bit on that part...

HOOAH! ..oh, not PELVIC thrust. Sorry, sorry.

Because things never are, Kid. Get used to this now, you'll save yourself YEARS of disappointment.

I didn't get the cap of it, but I grabbed the gas can. Cause they make it pretty obvious you NEED it.

And oh how it would suck if they didn't.

Clearly they were also disassembling their father's car...


Alright, we've got engine, gas, wind...sock..thingy...what next!

So this is where I'd cheated. Normally you'd try each of them until the correct one worked. I'M LAZY DAMNIT. The guide says the middle is the right one.

So middle it is.



Auntie Em, Uncle Henry, Toto! It's a twister! It's a twister!

...*guttermind* eheheh..

*still gutter mind*

Orville: I'm Saint Ignatious! Listen to be bitch! Bitch bitch bitch bitch -..oh, you fixed it.

I just solved two of your three problems AND fixed your 'scrambled' plans and you're still saying MAYBE?! No respect, I swear.

Kid Power Jones. Sounds like a bad Nick show.


Psh. Sorry, kid. You may be wearing green, but you're no hero to me.

And once again the game logic fails. They can't connect the wires correctly, YET THE WING IS ALREADY HALF DONE! nowait...they finished it before the virus came along? That's it. Yeeaaah...

Doesn't stop you from having the brain of one.

Considering the last two rooms, this one seems painfully easy.


I hate to say it, but if you can't figure out how the wires go when you've already got 3/4ths of an example, then there's just something wrong with you.


And look, you don't even have to tie them on yourself!

And done!

Yup! And you losers didn't have to do a lick of work!

Hellno. Shut up. Just shut up.

Orville: bitchbitchbitchbitch

Hooray! The history of flight has been saved! And look, no horrible joke about vending machines! There's hope for the kid yet!
not really..)
Next up -
Lace up your high boots and hike up your britches, boys! War be declared! YEEHAW!

museum madness

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