King's Quest VI - part five

Jan 05, 2008 12:04

Part five of King's Quest VI. Enjoy!

Last time in part four:

The Pawn Shoppe has a lot of amusing things.

Alexander: Hello, beautiful nightengale! :D
Nightengale: Get lost. >:(

Alexander: What do these engravings on the cliffs mean?

Tom Trow: I smell a man! Let's kill him!
Alexander: Aaaaaaauuwaaagh! *dies*
hercrabbiness Oops. :B

So let's continue!

I went back to the point in the game where we just stole the pearl from the oyster. I can't deal with those sense gnomes yet because I still need to get one more item.

The item is located at the Isle of the Crown.

Nightengale: "I am still ignoring you."
Alexander: *grumble*

Hey, the lamp merchant's gone! And it looks like the Pawn Shoppe owner is throwing out some stuff...

Apparently that big pot is like our modern day trash can.

Um, don't say hi or anything..

Important lesson in Sierra games: if there is any sort of trash bin lying around, there will always, always be something useful in there. No trash bin should go untouched!

Alexander often doubts what his eyes and ears tell him, I've noticed. But I believe in you, Alexander! I say you open that bottle!


Ohhhhh, I get it!

Why would the Pawn Shoppe owner throw out something like this? This is awesome stuff!

Okay, now we can head back to the Isle of Wonder.

The Sensing Gnomes music plays.

The first gnome is the smelling gnome. We have to trick his sense of smell so that can't tell a human's present.

The smelly flower? That's just cruel, Alexander...

"Grovernor"? XD

Now we have to fool the hearing gnome, Grovernor. We'll use the mechanical nightingale.

Alexander: *wind, wind*
Grovernor: "I'm sure that loud winding sound means absolutely nothing."

The mechanical nightengale's song is so groovy, that Grovernor cannot help but dance!


A mint!? Surely Grump-Frump will say, "Only a man would carry mint candy! Let's kill him!" ..right?

... apparently not. *headdesk*

Rabbit foot!

Trilly Billy: "I mean okay, it seems to be dead judging by its low temperature, and it must be about six feet tall, but it's definitely a rabbit! Case closed!"

They should've just used this guy in the first place! But I suppose it wouldn't have been as fun..

Invisible ink to the rescue!

You can't see me! :B

Bill Batter: "wtf you guys..."


Hooray! :D

And now we're free to explore the island! I think I'll try the east path first.

In this area, there are piles upon piles of books, several bees buzzing around, and a spider web. This place also has the kookiest music ever. I love it. Warning: it may get stuck in your head.


A sleazy tune kicks in, and a black widow spider starts hitting on us.

Alexander: "Uh..." :S

Not very subtle, is she?

Wow, that's hawt!

When I first played this game, I thought that it was part of someone's ear. o_O Anyways, we want that scrap of paper, but if we try to get it, the Black Widow will bite us. So she needs a distraction.

Let's destroy her web! :D

Ha ha, sucker!

The wind: "MINE!"

Since we're in need of a "rare" book to give to the book shop owner, let's browse through these piles.


BOOKWORM, GET IT? :D :D And we're only getting started with this island's puns...

I particularly like this conversation, because there are a few references to linguistic terms (I'm a language studies major). :)


A what..?

Hey! D:

Bookworm decides to snub us.

Let's save here for now.

Will we ever get a rare book? Will the word "Love" be of any importance in our adventure? Will Alexander ever get back to his real quest, finding Cassima? And what the heck is a purple fiddlewacker anyway?

Tune in next time (you know you want to) for even more witty puns and a number of talking plants!

Oh, and before I forget: if you like King's Quest VI or if you're simply bored, you can watch these two parodies Egger3rd made using segments from the beginning of this game. Good stuff.

king's quest vi

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