MM: Room 8 - Hall of Dinosaurs ("AKA, Make Your Own Dino, As Seen On TV!")

May 25, 2008 19:27

I'm not even gonna bother with the excuses this time. XD There are far many to go in to, so I'm just going to try and get through what I haven't posted yet. Also I apologize if the level of funny in this isn't as good as my older ones. My roommate has seen fit to give me a cold and I feel quite like death is dragging me around by my ankles. =D

So lessie... last time the kid of Epic Dorkiness was put in charge of BUYING LAND. Seriously, this game does wonders for giving kids really BAD ideas. But he made it through without wracking up Daddy's credit card too much, and as such we're not going to be grounded for life and then some. Instead we get to go off to that wonderful time of monster lizards and all the horrible primordial ooze and preevolution you can shake a stick at!

If I didn't know any better I'd say this kid is a miniature Time Lord.

... naaah.

Back: Room 7

Forward: Room 9

Previous Episodes

Ah, its good to be back. Fire up the ol' wheels, MICK! We've got more adventurin' to do!

Ah, the Hall of Dinos. Kings of their time, ruling over the lush lands of the earth! And- ... wait. Wait a second! What's going on here?! I see no TRex, I see no long necked Goliaths! What is this?!

Oh man. What a gyp. You mean we don't get to chase down animatronic raptors in their natural enviornment? Psh. Jurassic Park, you lied to me!

Seriously. Lame.

Yeah yeah, tl;dr dude. Lets get this over with.

Figures. Another room-wide puzzle game. *eyeroll*

What, does it want an award for that or something? Eesh.


harhar. Bone yard. Get it? BONE ya- yeah, I know, just shoot him already.


Look kid, its yer mom. xP


Clearly this... creature you see before you didn't last long on the evolutionary scale. Its tiny, tiny brain was far too small to properly control its massively oversized legs.

Same with this one.

Big head and tiny arms could be dealt with, I'm sure. Tiny arms and tiny head, though? Not so much.

That's slightly better, but we're obviously not there yet.

Whoops! *blows at dust* Lets try that again.

He looks like he's praying. I'm sure its for a swift death so that he doesn't get ridiculed on the DinoPlayground.

Right spine and tail. Hm.

Damn, not even close. Shoulda seen that coming.

Yeah, I'm not particularly good at this if you haven't noticed. I guess this is why I never considered a career in piecing together people bits at crime scenes. *koff*

Would ya look at that? We got ourselves a Stegosaurus!


That's uh, quite the hind end you got there Mr. Triceratops dude.

Yeah, not even.

And again.


So I'll just sit back and let you guys take in the rest of my failures... XD

*CRUNCH* Hey look, I got some of the crumbling animation that time. =D


It LOOKED close, but like I said, I'm really no good at this.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Mister T. Rex! *crowd cheers*

Ehn, negatory.

Clearly there is some sort of epic failure at work here. I'll just blame the kid for my own short comings. That works every time!

WHOA. Disproportionate much?!

Thaaat's better.

And would you look at that? I got it!

Tiiiiny head again.

Crap! I've failed you, Tri! *sob*

HOSNAP! Its a Triceratops! Get in the car!

One of those many parts where I wish this damn thing had a HINT button. Seriously, would could gets get through this crap?



Aaaand we're done!

El Finito!

Anything to get us away from your jokes, kid.

Ah- ... okay, so that really wasn't a joke. But still. Can't we stick something in his mouth to shut him up? Or have Mr. Tyrant Lizard there chase him around the museum a few laps?


The patience of the people that have to listen to you, that's what.

I'm fairly certain she'd rather stomp you to death than allow that to happen.

harhar football joke. You're a freaking comic genius. >.>;

Can we put you in the pen and find out? 8D

... I will destroy this child before this game is through.

Up next, we get to see if the kid is water soluble! Stay tuned. :)
(and yes, this time I actually DO have rooms backed up.)

museum madness

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