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Comments 20

anonymous May 13 2013, 09:55:03 UTC
Oh, Heiss! Even you come to love the protagonist enough to sacrifice yourself for him! It's rare to find a hero so great that every character with some sense of reason can come to love him. What an amazing protagonist ( ... )


lady_nighteyes May 13 2013, 16:09:27 UTC
He already loved him enough that he sidetracked and sabotaged his own plans over and over in a desperate effort to be a good "parent." He would have hit his destroy-the-world goal easily if he hadn't been so determined to (try to) make Stocke his partner in crime. Which, as mentioned, I find weirdly tragic. And yes, he's pretty much my favorite video game character ever; it's just so damn rare to see a protagonist who's intelligent and competent most of the time, but still an unambiguously good person and flawed enough to be sympathetic and aaah *melts into puddle of fangirlness*

Not except Viola, yeah. And maybe Elm, though that is pure speculation because she doesn't get a portrait. >:C But what else is new in video games, especially JRPGs. I also have an extremely silly theory regarding Raynie which I may mention in my "spoileriffic comments I wanted to make but didn't" post ( ... )


anonymous May 13 2013, 21:18:31 UTC
Do make the things-you-wanted-to-spoil-but-didn't-out-of-respect post; that'd really round things off.

As for what's next, I suspect it's probably going to be Suikoden Tierkreis, and I'd be interested in being convinced about the game this time (I've mentioned my main beef with it before), but let me look around and see if I can remember any other DS RPGs that, rightly or wrongly, are quite obscure... Black Sigil might be interesting, Contact is weird, I never finished Infinite Space... Valkyrie Profile: Covenant Of The Plume is apparently a brutally difficult game that turns you into a monster, that sounds appealing.


lady_nighteyes May 13 2013, 22:29:16 UTC
I played all three routes of Strange Journey. Do your worst. (But no seriously Valkyrie Profile is as much turn-based strategy as RPG and I suck at TBS because I always forget to think about how enemies can move, so that would probably involve me dying/failing horribly. A lot.) It also doesn't have to be DS, just something I can emulate on my laptop, which basically means anything from PSX down. I could do an ill-informed continuation of the Persona 2: Innocent Sin screencap adventure that somebody just got to the naming screen on. Or a mostly-blind run of the astoundingly terrible English release of the original Persona, for that matter. If Keltena hadn't covered it already, I'd probably take it upon myself to play Last Scenario for like the fifth time for you guys, but they did, so I won't.


zarla July 3 2013, 21:09:45 UTC
Man is Raynie wearing three pairs of boots at once, what is going on there


lady_nighteyes July 3 2013, 22:43:56 UTC
If we're getting into that question, HOW DOES HER DRESS STAY UP. Also what the hell is that neck-guard/gorget thing and why does it have a little cape attached.


anonymous July 22 2013, 19:33:35 UTC
Well, thanks for this excellent LP. In fact, I read a few pages and it motivated me to play the game for the second time. So I've played it while reading this LP. And I regret nothing because, yeah, there's a lot of early hints in fact.

Personally, it's the "I want to thank you, Heiss", that made me completely lose it. And it's rare a game where the villain really has a good motive (and who, as you said, sabotages his own plans because of this motive). And the hero even tried to stop/save him when he sacrified himself.

For the issue with the portraits concerning Elm, Barranca, Bergas, Galva, I don't know if you were aware, but it was originally planned to have in Radiant Historia 4 kingdoms and 4 timelines (and the hero was supposed to be a sword). So maybe either the Guthrals were supposed to have a bigger role, either the Satyros have been fleshed out with contents from the scrapped kingdoms. But yeah, it's a shame that these two Satyros don't have any portraits.


lady_nighteyes July 23 2013, 00:26:51 UTC
:::333 And yeah, this game is really good to play through twice. So many little hints.

I lose it at that two-line flashback in Raynie's ending scene. Every time. So I'm already crying by the time the stuff with Heiss rolls around. (Though, incidentally, the entire true ending is SO much more heartbreaking if you interpret some of Stocke's behavior as him deliberately trying not to remind his uncle that he doesn't remember a damn thing from when they were close so that Heiss never has to find out that his beloved nephew hasn't liked or trusted him for years.)

I heard some of that from jikanet-tanaka in our epic discussion of doom on the That Sidequest post, and I'd come to the same conclusion about the Gutrals. It just sort of annoys me, because I don't find them nearly as interesting as the Satyros and none of them have really memorable or distinctive personalities.


anonymous July 23 2013, 17:17:56 UTC
Well, I must admit that I haven't read this whole discussion (yet ?), so I hope that you'll forgive me if I state things already told by you.

Otherwise, I like the consistency of the costumes of the highest officers of Allistel.


anonymous September 26 2013, 08:39:01 UTC
So, if Ernst and Eruca each only have one half of a single soul...does that mean both will die young?


lady_nighteyes September 26 2013, 13:34:26 UTC
Well, considering the other character who's only got half a soul seems to have made it to old age just fine and dandy, I doubt it. ;;;)))


anonymous November 12 2013, 00:24:44 UTC
Thank you so much for this LP. You killed my entire weekend and now I'm going to be up at 1 AM doing my homework. Crap.

But seriously, thank you. I especially appreciate that you recorded almost EVERY PIECE OF DIALOGUE in the game. I've been looking for a script of the game for ages, and while this isn't exactly compact (them screenshots), it'll have to do. This should make writing up fanfics much easier.



lady_nighteyes November 12 2013, 01:18:31 UTC
Sorry about that. ;;;))) And you're welcome. It is a great comfort to know I may have contributed to fixing the sorry state of the fandom beyond my direct contributions and silly theories. As for where the Stocke/Raynie fanfics are, a few of them are currently sitting on my hard drive waiting for me to get off my lazy ass and finish them. But I suck at writing romance and have very little to work off of in canon (WHAT IS BUILDUP), so a lot of it is unlikely to see the light of day.


anonymous November 12 2013, 01:31:14 UTC
Ah, I've read some of your "direct contributions" before. They're pretty nice.

(We're going to pretend it didn't take me six months to realize you wrote them)

And it's alright, I'm just a trash writer in general. xD

If I get anything done, I guess I'll throw them your way.


lady_nighteyes November 12 2013, 02:22:37 UTC
There was, like, nothing pre-canon. I felt it was my duty as a fangirl to fix this grievous oversight.

(But of course. After all, I very stealthily used the same username and everything.)

Almost any RH fic would make me happy; I too am suffering from the tiny size of the fandom. :::(((


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