Room 11 - Simple Machines ("Uh, Waiter, There's a Kangaroo in my Basket...")

Nov 09, 2008 17:10

We're finally in to the second batch of rooms, and moving right along with this dorkery express. I always regarded this room as being kind of... random in an almost fun sort of way. But I suppose that's up to interpretation, just like everything else in this whacked out edumecational game.

So let's see what we've got to do to fix these 'simple' machines!

Forward: Room 12

Back: Room 10

Previous Adventures

More beautiful green squares. I can't wait until another row is finished.

I love how the beginning of this one starts with "Work. Machines do work." Like our intelligence level has some how DROPPED since the last room.
Although with the kid involved, I wouldn't be surprised...

I don't even think I read these panels anymore...

Random kangaroo! Also, I'm randomly on my inventory screen, wtf self.

Apparently the museum is also a circus?

And there he goes, wrecking everything in sight. Man, how come we're always stuck cleaning up these messes?

Aw! Aw, not the giant pipe and cog thingy! I loved that... that thing!

Seriously, get this kangaroo some decaf, stat.

Yehknow, I didn't come here to play maid to a bunch of cybernetic jerks! Ah, this gonna take forever to clean...

He's not even from this room?! Well now that's just bad wrangling on your part, MICK. Seriously...

The panning camera didn't tell me that at all. >.>

Kinda figured that, since I'm here an' all...

Two birds one stone sort of thing? Well, I'm game if it solves another room. I am so not sweeping up after this, though.

I think this is the only time those little info things have nifty diagrams with them. Kinda wish more were like that.

This is another of those 'when I was a kid, this was much more difficult' puzzles.

Not now, though! =D

Hee. I love pendulums. I'unno why. I just like watching them swing back and forth...

Next room! ... aw man this one sucks.

Easier said than done. ... why do I feel like I've said that before? OHWAIT THAT'S THIS ENTIRE GAME. Rawr. >F

The guy in the diagram looks like he's gonna break in half if he keeps trying to lift that giant ball...

Tinker tinker, fix fix~

If memory serves this is the correct layout for this one.
Moving on!

Man, this one got seriously broke...

This one was difficult only because the cogs didn't seem to fit right at all, even in the correct configuration. It does, of course, have a working solution. It's just not obvious unless you're paying REALLY close attention to what it looked like before our little furry friend destroyed everything.

See, this one looks like it could be right, but it's not.

And at first, because I wasn't looking at the position near the threaded pole, this one didn't look even remotely right. But it is.

And there's our destructive little buddy, all huddled up on his shelf.

Because of course logic would state that they'd go to the trouble of incorporating "THIS SHELF IS TOO HIGH" commands in to a cybernetic kangaroo...

Which of course means making sure everything in the room is in working order. There's no way I could have figured out that one on my own.

I love how the set ups don't look nearly as broken as they are when you go in to fix them.

Alright. I think we're done. Let's see what happens, eh? (or rather let's see how bad Jeni fails)

Ohhhh, that's RIGHT. If the angle isn't high enough it'll do this weird little 'ooops, you failed' thing, have a black box come down around the screen and make you start over. Man, that screen shot confused me so much for a minute. XD;

Alright, let's try this.

Oops, too high I guess. Again!

Aaand too low. AGAIN.

Theeere we go.

Yay, this one worked on the first try!


And there goes the platform in to the last room!

Alright little buddy, in to the basket you go.

And good riddance to you, you terrorizing little scamp...
Blanked a screenshot right after this. The kid says something and I missed it.

Unfortunately that doesn't spare us from his terrible, terrible humor...

As much trouble as these CyReps have caused me, I'd rather not think about them having emotions or feelings.

Yeah, you do that kid...

... can I kill him yet? Please?

Alright, now that mess is over. Stay tuned for the next installment! If I don't murder his pixelated little behind first...

museum madness

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