Dear Yuletide writer, There is a small possibility I won't be able to read and lavish love for my yuletide story because I'll be out of town (and perhaps with no internet access) when the archive goes up. Just in case I don't get to, know that I am very grateful and happy and am giving you a big holiday hug! Cheers, mellish
To my dear yulegoat: Sorry, I haven't had time to type my letter up yet, but it'll be here soon! 8D My tastes haven't changed much anyway, although I'll try to include some specific points for my fandoms. Thank you so so much for your patience and I hope you are getting in the yuletide spirit as much as I am! *waves jangly Christmas bells*
So I lose my internet connection for a few days and...
...Nabari no Ou ends? OMG. WEEPING. Wait, no spoilers, I've just downloaded the raw and I have no idea what's going on anymore b-but. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT ENDED. HUU.
Okay, so 10-fic-goal is finished, thanks in large part to erosduos. A number of them need editing before I repost them, but hey, that's made this long break a little more productive at least. *blinks* Um, wow, I kind of can't believe that happened? I finished everything by July 31 but haven't written anything in the last eight days. Aggh. So, other
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The AO3 Archive can now import fics from FF.Net - maybe this function has been working for a while and I've just missed it? 8D Haha. So I've been archiving and rereading lots my old work in the process. Some of it makes me cringe (so wooden aggh), but others still make me quirk my lips, and it's nice remembering. I miss some of those fandoms
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