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Comments 20

chaptal October 19 2009, 20:47:21 UTC
Sounds like you had a good time despite the canceling of Q and fritos. The graphic nature of reading about Irreversible when it came out made me stay away.


scottwoods October 19 2009, 22:26:09 UTC
Oh, absolutely. I kid the nerds, but really, I bought a $35 ticket to sit in the dark for two days too. I know my tribes.

They said they'll likely have Q next year for sure, so no problem. It's not like I won't be there. I'm actually thinking of donating some artwork (mummy sculpture or something) to them.


mixmaster_mo October 19 2009, 21:11:12 UTC
I was hoping like hell Hollywood doesn't try to remake The Host. I would just want to punch a nun if they tried to create a love story inside of that film or if they put a damn sex scene in the middle of it.

Plus, the thing I like about foreign horror is that it doesn't try to make characters redeemable just because they are central to the story. I watched both versions of Shutter several months ago and it was ridiculous how much they changed the character.

Also, this marathon sounds like the best thing ever!


scottwoods October 19 2009, 22:27:13 UTC
I hear you. At the same time, I go insane every time I watch an Asian film and the story is so damn juvenile while the art soars. I must admit: this film has a better set-up than most, though.


theklute October 19 2009, 21:34:51 UTC
"His answer, roughly, was that Lovecrafts work tends to be very personal and introspective in scope or very large and epic and it would take many millions of dollars to realize. Horror film budgets sadly fall somewhere between the two extremes."

Disagree. You've seen the silent version of Call of Cthulhu by the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society, right?


mstegosaurus October 19 2009, 22:23:06 UTC
Ohhhh, that was in the mostly horrible Lovecraft festival Ty and I went to in early April in Seattle-- by far the highlight.


scottwoods October 19 2009, 22:28:17 UTC
I have, but to me that's more of a student project and less of a "movie". So I guess it is indeed the best adaptation...in a I-would-never-pay-to-see-a-20-miunte-movie sort of way.


Ahhhh nelsonbob October 20 2009, 13:47:10 UTC
But would you pay to see...

This Guy?

... )


momoyeahmomo October 19 2009, 21:58:01 UTC
out of curiosity, have you following this year's Cinemassacre's Monster Maddness? http://www.cinemassacre.com/new/index.php


scottwoods October 20 2009, 02:03:16 UTC
Never heard of it!


momoyeahmomo October 20 2009, 13:13:11 UTC
you should check it out! He does a video a day for the entire month of October featuring classic horror movies. Last year it was 30 days of Godzilla and the year before that, the 30 greatest Movie Monsters.


tahmthelame October 20 2009, 00:31:48 UTC
Well summed up! You totally need to let me know when the sci fi one happens.


scottwoods October 20 2009, 02:03:52 UTC
We'll go! Break out the martian sock gloves!


momoyeahmomo October 20 2009, 16:46:55 UTC
sorry, Martian sock gloves just brings forth too many images of Sock Puppet Slams!


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