501 Generally a 2-player or 2-team game. Each player starts with 501 points. Turns are taken, each player or team throwing three darts at a turn. The total score of the three darts is then subtracted from 501. the goal is to be the first player or team to reach a score of 0. Stipulation: The score has to be exactly 0, and the last dart must be a double. For example, you have 32 points left, you must hit a double 16 (D16) to win (or some combination thereof, such as 16, D8 or D15 D1, etc., etc.
CricketA game in which the object is to "close" all of your numbers before your opponent. Closing simply means hitting a number three times. The numbers used for this game are 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 and Bull. Players take turns each throwing three darts a turn, trying to close numbers. For example, if I start and hit 20, 20, 20, i've closed the 20 and can move to a different number
( ... )
My only concern is that maybe Fich didn't see it buried in the comments here, I think you should post it as a seperate entry or at the very least shoot him off a private e-mail copy.
Comments 6
Your blog needs a dart lingo appendix.
Generally a 2-player or 2-team game. Each player starts with 501 points. Turns are taken, each player or team throwing three darts at a turn. The total score of the three darts is then subtracted from 501. the goal is to be the first player or team to reach a score of 0. Stipulation: The score has to be exactly 0, and the last dart must be a double. For example, you have 32 points left, you must hit a double 16 (D16) to win (or some combination thereof, such as 16, D8 or D15 D1, etc., etc.
CricketA game in which the object is to "close" all of your numbers before your opponent. Closing simply means hitting a number three times. The numbers used for this game are 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 and Bull. Players take turns each throwing three darts a turn, trying to close numbers. For example, if I start and hit 20, 20, 20, i've closed the 20 and can move to a different number ( ... )
My only concern is that maybe Fich didn't see it buried in the comments here, I think you should post it as a seperate entry or at the very least shoot him off a private e-mail copy.
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