
Aug 21, 2009 15:11

Title:- Liberation
Rating:- Suitable for all
Characters:- Ianto
Summary:- A teenage Ianto leaves Cardiff, and his old life, behind him.

A/N:- Written for the tw100 challenge #129 Trapped.


Ianto jealously watched the water running down the plinth, washing round his fingers, running free. He felt trapped in Cardiff, everyone knew him, had expectations of him. Even his boss at the coffeeshop where he worked weekends was a distant relation by marriage. She had still sacked him though after he sneaked Dafydd Davies into the stockroom for a snog.

Claustrophobia spiking, he hefted his rucksack onto his shoulder. London, that’s the place for me. A new life. He smiled as he squared his shoulders, turned away from Plass Roald Dahl and headed towards the bus station and freedom.

drabble, tw100 challenge, torchwood, fic:g

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