Magic numb5rs

Dec 13, 2011 15:14

Title:- Magic numb3rs
Summary:- Could this be the end of the road?
Rating:- Suitable for all
Characters:- Ianto/Jack
Words:- 100

A/N:- Many thanks to my beta who pointed out today’s magic numbers.

Written for the tw100 prompt # 223: End of the road. Comments and con-crit gratefully received.

PS. - Children of Earth and Miracle day? Never heard of them.

Disclaimer:- TW belongs to RTD, the BBC and others. Not me, sadly.



Ianto looked nervously at the clock. He knew deep down he was being ridiculous but somehow Torchwood could make you believe in conspiracy theories.


He knew shadowy organisations with deep pockets existed. He worked for one. The same with doomsday scenarios. Innocuous things started to take on special significance.


He shook his head and switched on the coffee machine.

“You okay?” Jack asked, coming up behind him.

15:14 13/12/11

This was it. Sighing, Ianto turned in Jack’s arms, breathed in his scent, feeling safe, protected.



Reluctantly Ianto pulled back with an embarrassed smile.


A/N2:- Dates in the UK are usually given in the format DDMMYY rather than the US format MMDDYY.

pairing:jack/ianto, fanfiction, torchwood, fic:g, drabble, character:ianto, tw100 challenge, character:jack

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