Blood sacrifice

Dec 21, 2011 10:36

Title:- Blood sacrifice
Summary:- Dark deeds are taking place in the Welsh valleys
Rating:- Suitable for all
Word count:- 100

A/N:- Written for tw100’s challenge #224: Christmasolstikwanazakah. Comments and con-crit always appreciated.

Disclaimer:- TW belongs to RTD, the BBC and others, not me sadly.


"What are we doing here?" Owen asked as he trudged uphill through the ankle deep snow.

"Human sacrifice," Ianto explained. "Jack heard rumours that there was to be an ancient ritual in the stone circle in the next valley at the solstice.”

Owen looked at him sceptically. "Are you sure it's real druids and not another new age cult giving Jack a chance to ogle naked women?"

"It's real," Ianto replied, his expression serious.

"And anyway," Jack called back from the summit. "In this weather, all those goosebumps..." He pulled a face and shivered, despite his long coat. "Not sexy!"

character:owen, fanfiction, torchwood, fic:g, drabble, character:ianto, tw100 challenge, character:jack

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