What’s occurin’?

Jun 18, 2010 13:42

Title:- What’s occurin’?
Summary:- Andy gets an unwanted phonecall
Words:- 100
Characters:- PC Andy Davidson
Spoilers:- None
A/N:- Written for tw100’s challenge # 156: Team Pet. Comments appreciated.

Disclaimer:- TW is property of RTD, the BBC and others, not me sadly.


Andy’s phone buzzed in his pocket. Seeing the caller name he felt his jaw muscles tighten. She did not call just to talk anymore. He knew without answering exactly how the conversation would go, a quick greeting, a request for information and once again he would be dancing to Torchwood’s tune, risking his job, his liberty, for a shadowy organization that saved Cardiff, saved humanity, from... from what exactly? But he wanted in, wanted in so much he would do almost anything, so he swallowed his pride and picked up the call.

“Gwen love, what’s occurin’?”

drabble, tw100 challenge, torchwood, fic:g

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