Frayed Temperatures

Sep 04, 2009 15:35

Title:- Frayed Temperatures
Summary:- Jack takes action as temperatures soar in Cardiff.
Timeframe/Spoilers:- Set during S2 somewhere around Meat and Adam. Passing references to various TW episodes and to the end of DW S3 but no real spoilers.
Pairing:- Jack/Ianto
Word Count:- approx 700
Disclaimer:- Property of the BBC, RTD and others, not me sadly.

A/N:- As parts of the UK, northern Scotland in particular, sinks under unseasonably heavy rain a bit of fluff I originally wrote about a year ago but then misplaced the longhand manuscript. Hope you enjoy.


Jack raised himself up onto his elbows and considered the Bristol Channel beyond his bare feet. Good move giving everyone the afternoon off, he decided. The weather in the city had been hot and humid for days and tempers were getting increasingly short.

Earlier that afternoon he had come into the Hub to find Ianto beside the coffee machine tearing coffee filters into little pieces muttering quietly to himself about ‘Doctor Crippen’ in counterpoint to Owen clattering around the autopsy bay shouting about the ‘damn teaboy’. Gwen and Tosh had been nowhere to be seen having taken refuge in the conference room when it became clear they were not going to be able to diffuse the situation. Jack was used to sparks flying between Owen and Ianto, sometimes over the slightest of things, but whilst he had been away from Cardiff the relationship between the two men had mellowed somewhat and their current behaviour had gone from common place to very unusual.

“Everybody, go home, now,” he had announced soon after, having checked with Tosh that the Rift predictor showed they were likely to have no activity for the rest of the day. “Get away from here and cool down before you do irreparable damage either to each other or the Hub.”

“But…,” the team grumbled about projects that needed finishing or readings that should be taken in the afternoon but Jack stood firm. Within minutes they had everything set to automatic to warn them of any unexpected Rift activity and each headed off in search of somewhere cooler.

On the dunes, a few miles from the Hub, a light breeze kept the air to a very pleasant temperature and gave it a freshness the city currently lacked.

Looking out over the channel to the rolling Mendips beyond he admired the way the light played on the water and the multitudinous shades of green in the grass and trees. Over the water Jack could see birds, gulls? he ventured, twisting and diving on the currents of warm air rising from the shimmering surface.

He realised he had not been lying to John when he had said this planet was special. He really did love it. He had lived no where else for over 150 years now (short trip to the end of the universe with Martha and the Doctor not withstanding) and he had travelled all over, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas and he had loved it all, the people and the places.

He had been telling the truth rather a lot recently. The night before Tommy had returned to 1918 Ianto had asked him if he would return to his own time if he could. He had thought fleetingly of giving a flippant reply that said nothing but something in Ianto tone had stopped him. Instead, he told Ianto honestly how he would have missed out on meeting, let alone loving, so many people if he had stayed where he was, the Doctor, Rose, Martha, Gwen, Owen, Tosh, Ianto himself, especially Ianto. He found Ianto to be the Yin to his Yang or is it the other way round? Ianto’s calm manner soothed his troubled soul and he (he hoped) had helped Ianto find his zest for life again.

Thinking of Ianto Jack turned his head to look at the young man lying beside him on the blanket they had spread on the grass, the golden rays of the sun licking the pale, too pale, skin of his chest and legs. Ianto had filled out a bit in the time Jack had been away. He had lost the pinched look he had had whilst he had been keeping Lisa hidden in the depths of the Hub, and looked the better for it Jack felt. But Jack was still concerned for the young man for who he cared so much, for whom he had given up the chance to travel the stars once more. He had not lied about that either the night he had returned to the Hub. He had, above all, come back for Ianto and he did not intend to let him go through any action on his part. At some time in the future things may change but, for now, Jack was happy.

Unbelievably, blissfully, happy.

Kissing a still dozing Ianto lightly, Jack turned over to let the warming rays of the sun caress his back and slipped into a peaceful slumber.

pairing:jack/ianto, fanfiction, torchwood, fic:g

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